New Hope Notes

A Multi-Generational Inheritance
Faith For The Journey

Pastor Wayne Cordeiro
July 7, 2019 - W1927

A Multi-Generational Inheritance

Faith For The Journey


Pastor Wayne Cordeiro

July 6 & 7, 2019


Welcome, New Hope! 

Today, I want to talk about A Multi?Generation Inheritance.  I've traveled to many, many places, and one of the things I've noticed is that many Christians are living far beneath their inheritance level.  What God has promised, He can do—in us and through us! We claim His promises, but live far beneath our inheritance!  

During the middle 1800s, a young man in Europe wanted, so much, to go to America that he saved all of his money and sold all of his possessions—and barely had enough money to buy one economy ticket in the lower part of the hull of the ship. Since he didn't have money for food, he went to his neighbors and collected as much cheese and bread that he could; and collected two bags of molded cheese and stale bread to sustain him across the Atlantic! He had such high hopes for a change in America, that he made the trip, anyway!

It was an arduous three?week journey, over billowing waves.  Finally, one day he heard a bell ringing upstairs on the deck, and heard someone shouting, "We are now entering Boston Harbor!"  One of the orderlies ran downstairs, knocked on his door, and said, "Sir, I don't know if you heard, but we're entering Boston Harbor!" 

When the young man opened the door, the orderly saw shards of bread and cheese on the floor, and asked, "Sir, what is this?" He said, "I didn't have money to buy food, just enough for one economy ticket—that's all I had."  And the orderly looked at him and said, "Sir, didn't anyone tell you that whenever you buy a ticket on this ship, it comes with a sumptuous buffet every night on deck?"  

I wonder how many of us know that God loves us and that we're going to heaven, but we’re living far beneath our inheritance—on bread and cheese!  God has given us faith for the journey and a promise of abundant life!  So today, I want to talk to you about A Multi-Generational Inheritance that is ours because of Jesus!

In the book of Exodus is a story of the fierce Amalekite warriors, who often attacked the Israelite camp.  They again attacked Israel; but this time Moses sent Joshua and the army into the valley to fight, while he stood on the mountaintop and prayed with his hands raised. 

Moses noticed something very interesting—that whenever he prayed with his hands up, Joshua and his army would be winning; but whenever he put his hands down, they started losing! They eventually understood that whenever they did their part, they were winning the battle in the valley! This story is found in…

Exodus 17:12-14 GNT, “12When Moses' arms grew tired, Aaron and Hur brought a stone for him to sit on, while they stood beside him and held up his arms, holding them steady until the sun went down. 13 In this way Joshua totally defeated the Amalekites. 14 Then the Lord said to Moses, “Write an account of this victory, so that it will be remembered.”

In other words, there's a profound lesson in this story: Every generation needs to hear this story—so write it down and remember it! God has put together a multi- generational army of Moseses and Joshuas doing their part! Both were necessary:  Victory did not occur until both acted together!

Satan doesn't have to mess the whole church, just the Moseses to drop their hands and not work together! Or sometimes Moseses think they’re just too old; just sitting in church saying, “There's not much for us to do.”  The enemy loves it when you just bide your time—waiting to die! He says, “If I get you, I already have the Joshuas, and they will fail; it doesn't matter how much they swing their swords!”

I want to speak to the Moseses in this church.  You are veterans who have the prayer power, the resources, the life experiences, and the story of God in your hearts. The enemy may be speaking to you saying, “You're done, washed up!  Nobody needs you.  You're not valuable any more—just sit, watch, and be passive.”  And when the kids want to do their thing, you say, “Well, whatever. They won’t listen to me anyway.” And we abdicate a very important role—and that's exactly what the enemy wants us to do! We must figure out how we’ll work together, because if he can split us—he's got us both! 

As I look at the young people coming up, I think, there should be D.L Moodys and Billy Grahams; but instead we see the world pulling them away. It's almost as if we're just maintaining—not winning the battle.  And I asked, “Why, God?  What is it in Your scriptures that would help me bolster our troops in these last days?” Here it is…

1. The Great Commandment Was First Given To Parents.

Deuteronomy 6:5-7 CEV says,So love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and strength. 6Memorize his laws and tell them to your children over and over again. Talk about them all the time, whether you’re at home or walking along the road or going to bed at night, or getting up in the morning.

Moses is writing to parents. One of the dangers in America today is that the Moseses have stopped speaking.  Even if the children don't listen, you tell them over and over and over again.  Many of you are, what I call, patriarchs or matriarchs (moms, dads, aunties, or uncles).  You are someone to whom young people look to for an answer to break the tie in their minds: “Should I do it this way or that way?  The law says this, but the Bible says this—which one should we go with?”  They're ambivalent, waiting for someone to give them direction, and they come to you! 

2. The Great Commandment Was Also Given To Grandparents. Deuteronomy 6:2 ESV says, “that you may fear the Lord your Godyou and your son and your son's son, by keeping all his statutes and his commandments, which I command you, all the days of your life, and that your days may be long.”

God wants to actually extend your life if you will say this again and again to the Joshuas and the Joshuaettes.  You hold in you the story of the Lord—you have life experiences! When a young person comes and asks, “Which way should I go?” You need to know the Word of God to say, “This is the way.  Walk in it!” And even if they don't listen, you say it over and over and over again until one day they will stop and say, “You know, I think I should do it like grandpa tells me to do it.” 

The Joshuas and Joshuaettes have the energy to swing swords, but sometimes they don't know yet the direction they should go. They need you to speak truth; so that they can walk with confidence—and Heaven opens its doors!  

You have a blessing, advice, and inspiration that young people are depending on—if you stay silent, they lose!  And you, Joshuas and Joshuaettes, look for patriarchs and matriarchs in the church and give them permission to speak into your life to give you godly direction because, therein, are the promises of God, just waiting for you to receive them! When the generations come together, the inheritance God has for us comes!

God has given usa multi?generational army because we're fighting a multi?generational enemy!

3. The Patriarchal Blessing Is Not Designed To Be Taken To The Grave—It Is To Be Passed On. 

Abraham passed the Patriarchal Blessing on to Isaac; Isaac passed it on to Jacob; Jacob passed it to his 12 sons (they continue to succeed and be fruitful); David passed it to Solomon—and the Golden Age of Israel began!  Elijah passed it to Elisha, and Elisha does twice the miracles that Elijah did!  

Then I looked at Elisha.  Who did he pass it to?  I researched it.  Nobody! He had a servant named Gehazi, but Gehazi was greedy, so he pulled back.  No one worked out, so Elisha dies without passing the Patriarchal Blessing, and takes it to the grave…  

2 Kings 13:20-21 ESV says, “20 So Elisha died, and they buried him. Now bands of Moabites used to invade the land in the spring of the year. 21 And as a man was being buried, behold, a marauding band was seen and the man was thrown into the grave of Elisha, and as soon as the man touched the bones of Elisha, he revived and stood on his feet.” ThePatriarchal Blessing [anointing] was never designed to go to the grave!  It was designed to give life!  

When I was 31 years of age (in Hilo), I started planting churches, and after a couple of years I preached everything I knew to preach, and I was dry!  Then, I picked up a book called Life in Hawaii by Titus Coan, one of my favorite missionary heroes of that era.  In 1837 God used Titus Coan to bring a great revival to Hilo.  He loved the Hawaiian people so much, that within three months he preached his first sermon in Hawaiian to the people. And the little town of Hilo (population 300) swelled to over 10,000 over the next decade, because the Hawaiians heard that the gospel was being preached in their language! The Haili Church, which Titus Coan, pioneered still stands to this day!

Over 10,000 Hawaiian people were saved through his ministry. I wondered to whom did Titus Coan pass on his mantle? So I started researching.  Did it go to Fidelia (his wife) or his children or to Lorenzo Lyons?  And I kept looking—he hadn't passed on that anointing to anyone—he died with it and no one took up his mantle!   

When I was 32 years old (you'll think I'm really strange, forgive me), I researched to see where he was buried, and I found out that he was buried on Halai Hill. So one rainy morning in Hilo (it rains every morning in Hilo), I drove to Halai Hill to look for headstones and, sure enough, I found it—Titus Coan!  

I stood on his grave, and looked up into heaven and said, "Lord Jesus, I mean no dishonor, but just like that man who was thrown on Elisha's grave, I now touch the bones of Titus Coan, and I ask for a double portion of his anointing."

Titus Coan was a patriarch to me, and I thought he holds in his blessing my future!  I can settle for less, or I can ask God for a Patriarchal Blessing.  I look back on it now: This is my 35th year since that time; over 120,000 people have come to know Christ through New Hope; 152 churches were planted, scores of leaders in ministry, and I wonder, “Where did that come from?”  Not me.  It was the double portion Patriarchal Blessing that I had asked for! 

I wonder what lies in this church.  The future is within us. Our role isn't done! It’s only beginning!  



  1.     Give the definition of A Multi-Generational Inheritance.
  2.     As a patriarch/matriarch, write down what you will say over and over to encourage the younger generation.
  3.     As grandparents, write down what you will say to encourage your grandchildren.
  4.     What is the profound lesson that Pastor Wayne wants us to learn?