New Hope Notes

Stewardship Recipe For A Financial Miracle

Pastor Wayne Cordeiro, Pastor Jon Burgess
January 3, 2016 - W1601

Pastor Wayne Cordeiro:

Today, I want to welcome you to a new series called the X-Factor.

The X-Factor is made up of intrinsic character qualities that have been imbedded into your heart, and which allow you to be un-swayed by other philosophies, the world, or society. For example, in the Book of Daniel, When the king ordered Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego to bow to his idol, they responded, “May the king live long, but our king is God, and He is the one that we will serve.”

Why did these three young men stand firm in their belief? When raising them, their parents had ingrained into their hearts foundational pillars, called x factors, that allowed them to stand firm on their beliefs when confrontations or temptations arose. Therefore, it is important for us to steward what God has already given us. This starts with our families. If we do not steward our children the way that God wants us to steward them, then our culture will change because our laws, schools, and society will be influenced by the beliefs and philosophies of non-Christians.

I’d like to illustrate this cultural change using some red colored and translucent cups. The red cups represent blood washed, Holy Ghost filled Christians and the translucent cups represent non-Christians, influenced by worldly desires. In the early 1900’s Christian principles were adhered to in the classroom, going to church was normal, and the majority of people in society were Christians. In fact, Yale, Princeton, and Harvard and all of the Ivy League schools were Bible colleges, and the culture of the school system was Christian based. Today, that landscape has changed.

Every time two Christians marry, their offspring come into the world void of any Christian values. This is represented by the translucent cup. The children then become red cups when they are taught about God. Other people from non-Christian families also become red cups when they are brought to church by other Christians, or attend a crusade which allows them to know Christ.

The Old Testament can be defined as the passing of the baton of faith successfully from one generation to the next. This why the Bible says, “Teach your children, and your children’s children, and your son’s sons.”

As Christian couples begin to die off, and the remaining Christians get busy giving attention to their own responsibilities, and mingling amongst other Christians, they do not afford the time needed to steward their children with Christians values, and getting to know God. Society is now made up of a younger generation who do not know God, and who are leading our country void of Christian principles. The minority of Christians now remain silent, because they are out-numbered by non-Christians who are so different.

Now is the time to steward what God has given to us. First we must define those X-Factors so that we can steward them in a way that can change the landscape of our homes, our country, and our community. At this time I’d like to pass the baton to your campus pastor who will talk about the X-Factor.

Pastor John Burgess:

Whether it be our children, our friends, or our family members, we want them to change from a translucent cup to a red Holy Spirit filled cup. Therefore, we have to know what the X-Factors are, and apply them to our lives, before other lives can be transformed.

During the first couple of weeks of 2016, we will be spending our time on the topic of stewardship of our finances. Inscribed on coins are the words, “In God We Trust”; however, it is really “In our money we trust”, until we do not have it. Only then do we move to God for help.   To help us in our finances, Pastor Wayne and I are having Joe Sengl speak next week about how to steward God’s money and His possession’s according to His ways. This will be followed by a free training titled, “Financial Learning Experience.” God wants us to be financially transformed.

  1. I’m realizing that my scarcity doesn’t determine God’s capacity for miraculous generosity.

A lot of times we may decide how much we are going to tithe, how much we are going to give, or how much we are going to obey God, based on how much we have, or based on the scarcity of how much we have. The Bible talks about God’s vast capacity to provide and His miraculous generosity in a Bible passage about Elisha and a widow who was left in debt. “The wife of a man from the company of the prophets cried out to Elisha, ‘Your servant my husband is dead, and you know that he revered the Lord. But now his creditor is coming to take my two boys as his slaves.’ Elisha replied to her, ‘How can I help you? Tell me, what do you have in your house?’ “Your servant has nothing there at all,’ she said, ‘except a little oil.’ Elisha said, ‘Go around and ask all your neighbors for empty jars. Don’t ask for just a few. Then go inside and shut the door behind you and your sons. Pour oil into all the jars, and as each is filled, put it to one side.’ She left him and afterward shut the door behind her and her sons. They brought the jars to her and she kept pouring. When all the jars were full, she said to her son, ‘Bring me another one.’ But he replied, ‘There is not a jar left.’ Then the oil stopped flowing. She went and told the man of God, and he said, ‘Go, sell the oil and pay your debts. You and your sons can live on what is left.’” 2 Kings 4:1-7 NIV

The widow was judging her circumstance based on her scarcity of money, food, and assets; however, Elisha called her to give so she could receive God’s miraculous generosity.

When in need, a lot of us use God as the last option to turn to. Why don’t we make God our first option for this year, by sharing our need with Him first instead of first using other options first?

The Container Covenant:

If I have a need I will share it.

If I have a container I will give it.

If I am given a container God will fill it.

Elisha gave the widow a seemingly ridiculous instruction to ask her neighbors for containers, when she was in a desperate predicament of losing her sons to pay for her husband’s debt; however, because she was obedient, God miraculously filled her container with an abundance of oil. This enabled her to pay off all of her debt, and enabled her to support herself and her sons for the rest of her life

What container is in your life? Give it to God and He will fill it and He will do something miraculous in your life or someone’s life, no matter how small it is.

God’s miraculous provision always happens in the context of community. The widow’s sons and her neighbors were part of her miracle, because they all participated. We do not want to base our lives on our scarcity, but on God’s capacity for miraculous generosity. If everyone in this room gave a little of what they got, then there is no stopping for the miracles that God has planned.

I want to show you this video that summarizes God’s miraculous generosity poured out on this church and the lives of others, due to the many containers that you brought to God. In the year 2015: 122 people became members of New Hope Oahu by attending Growing Deep, Growing Strong, 207 people discovered their spiritual gifts through the Design class, 2,500 people were involved in a New Hope small group, 381 people were baptized, 407 new volunteers, New Hope Oahu Music made their third album titled, “Greater Together” which made the debut as the number one album in Christian music, 2,400 people attended the musicals “Into the Woods”, and “Shrek”, 1,500 meals were served to the homeless each month. New Hope Outreach and community events brings the love of Christ out of its building and to the front door of its neighbors. 474,622 people attended services at the Manoa, Sand Island, Hawaii Kai campuses and on-line.

Our world says success is determined by one’s standard of living; however, I want you to move past this level of success, and past a level of survival and reach a level of significance where your actions impact the world. If at the end of 2016, I have not given away more than I had in the year 2015, then I have not grown in Christ.

2. I’m moving from increasing my standard of living to increasing my standard of giving.

The Bible says, “Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full—pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.” Luke 6:38 NLT

We have the opportunity to set out another container, and experience how God will fill it. As we close this service, we have the opportunity to set out our containers beginning with communion. As we prepare for communion, I would like to pray this prayer over you.


“In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless void.” Genesis 1: 1-2

It all begins with nothing, for only then is there space to fill. It all begins with nothing for only then is there room to feel. It all begins with nothing, for only then can something break the fall.

Deep down, where nothing moves, light will find the darkest corner to ignite and glow and fill the void. Deep down, where hearts hang empty, hope will seek the smallest place to settle and to spread. Deep down, where souls sigh in defeat, love will throw a lifeline to a lifetime of grace.

I am nothing, Lord, but a blank canvas in waiting. Begin with me.

Here I am, Lord, my pieces tossing and turning, swirling and shaking like the universe first stirring. Without You nothing fits. You alone shape my meaningless thoughts. You alone place the missing pieces of my soul. You alone make me something I am not. Your love alone is all I need to find me, to lift me, to fill me. Love me, Your new creation. Amen. – Gerard Kelly


  • What are our X-Factors and how will we apply them to our lives?

  • How will we live according to God’s capacity?

  • How will we contribute to turning this landscape of translucent cups into a majority of Holy Spirit filled red cups for 2016?