New Hope Notes

God's Home Remedies

Pastor Matt Higa
May 24, 2015 - W1521

We're going to continue on our series of God's Home Remedies, and today We're going to be talking about insomnia---the things that keep us up all night tossing and turning and we don't really get a good night sleep.  What keeps you up at night?  Is it a relationship issue or maybe an employment concern?  Maybe it's a financial crisis or a health challenge.  Whatever it is, it's bringing stress upon your life.  And then sometimes we didn't see it coming.  Other times it's self?induced. But whatever the reason we are just trying to cope with everyday challenges to be a responsible adult.

How many of you know that family issues can keep you up at night?  As such, we're going to be looking at God's word about how you and I can have peace and rest in the Lord that we all need and deserve; and it will make us healthy and strong in God, just resting in His love and His protection.    

In Psalm 4:8 it says: 

“I will both lie down in peace and sleep for you alone O Lord make me dwell in safety.” 

How many of you know that you can sleep for 12 hours, but it only feels like 12 minutes? That’s because of all the emotional turmoil that’s going on in our lives.

But what this verse says is I will both lie down in peace and sleep.  Having peace in our sleep, for you O Lord make me dwell in safety.  And God says, “This is how you're going to get some good night’s sleep in peace. It’s not just a long night of sleep without really good peace and rest; because I alone make sure that you dwell in safety.”  Therefore those are the things that help us to sleep really well.   

In Romans 8:28 Paul wrote:

“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God and those who are called according to his purpose.” 

There's a purpose and a plan in your life, and you know that, and then you love the Lord, so he says all things are going to work for our good.  Even the not?so?good things because “all” means all.  Even the times I was suffering when it didn't feel good, it didn't look good, I didn’t know where I was going to turn---those things, Lord?  And God says, “If I am the Lord and God of your life, all things, no matter how it seems.” 

In fact, sometimes it might not feel good, it might not look good, and you just can't see it.  Many times I've said to the Lord, “Look, I just can't see it.”  God replied, “Matt, you're just going to have to trust me.”  And then though it might not happen right away, years later I look back, I go, “Wow, that was great.”  It wasn't good when I was going through it.  It was, in fact, some of the worst times, but when I look back now, it became one of the best times because God turned that situation for my own good.  Good thing I went through that. All things work for the good to those who love God. 

You know, life might be dumping all kinds of stuff on you, and you might have all kinds of dirt ?? betrayal, lies, offense, hurt, bitterness piled upon you.  The key is not to get buried by those things, but to just shake it off and step it up.  Because that's what's going to give us some good night sleep.   

If you are stewing and festering about what just took place and what they said and how you got hurt and you know what they did, it's going to keep you up all night.  Even though you get 12 hours of sleep, it's only going to feel like 12 minutes because that inner turmoil is still there. 

But God says all things are going to work for your good, and when you lie down, it's going to be peace and a peaceful rest and sleep because I am the one who protects you, from headache to heartache.  Things that we go through with our marriages, job, finances, health, lies, betrayal, rejection --- God says just shake it off and step it up,and you won’t lose any more sleep on that situation. 

Someone who would have stayed up all night in misery is the prophet Joseph, the one with the multicolored coat. Think about Joseph, now, when you read that story in the Bible—about how his own brothers betrayed him and sold him. Moreover, he's getting falsely accused by Potiphar's wife and thrown into prison.  But when he gets into prison he helps one of the braddahs in there.  He tells him, when you get out, please don't forget me and give a good word so I can get out too. But that never happened. 

Sometimes you felt that you got betrayed, sold out, or falsely accused.  Maybe you did so many good things for other people and they don't even remember, but you're going to have to just shake it off and step it up or else you're going to lose more sleep staying in that past and never seeing your future.    

And that's what God is saying to us tonight.  That's why He's going to take us from one place to the next to rest in Him.  The ability to turn something bad into something good and not lose a whole lot of sleep is our perception of God, our perspective.  Is God bigger than your problem, or is your problem bigger than God?  Because God wants to take the situation you're in and turn it all for your good.  He wants to take that tragedy and turn it into a victory, that tribulation into celebration.  That mess that you're now in will one day be a message from God to help somebody else get through what you went through. And that's the kind of things that we're looking for so you and I can have a good night’s sleep. 

And the other thing that keeps us up late at night tossing and turning is anger.  First we got hurt. Then we're really mad. And now we're just very angry.  That's why the Bible says do not let the sun go down in your anger.  In other words, resolve all your issues.  Take care what you need to take care of before you go to bed, especially in the home, in the house between husband and wife. 

You know, you get this big argument and this big dispute, and then you go to bed and then you're like so far away from each other with backs turned to each other.  My wife and I have an agreement.  We have a time limit on our disputes. We are not going to let it go too far.  Of course though, certain things are not going to get resolved overnight.  It's just not going to happen. 

And then there are the trivial things such as I like the Raiders, you like the Niners.  Or you bought the wrong brand of ketchup again.  No sense in getting into an argument over that.  I'm not going to go to bed angry because that's what God says. Because if you go to bed angry, you're going to have a sleepless night with no peace. 

Now all things work for the good for those that love the Lord and are called for His purpose.  Even when you blow it.  See, God is so faithful, especially when we're not. No, don't lose any sleep over that.  Learn from it, grow from it, and get better from it.  Because when you and I blow it, if Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior and He is in charge of your life because you gave your life to Him, if He's in charge, even when we make mistakes, it will be turned around to be something great.  You make a mistake, you will learn a lesson.  Learn from it and grow from it.  So make a mistake, learn a lesson, and then when we hit it on the nose in obedience, we set ourselves up for miracles.  So look at this.  Learn a lesson, gain a miracle.  It's always win?win with Jesus.  It's never a losing situation.  Because that's the kind of God we serve, and that's what's going to make us not lose any sleep anymore. 

How many of you know people that no matter what happens in their life, they always say, it's all good.  It's good.  It's fine.  I just lost my job.  You just lost your job?  But it's good.  What?  Oh.  And the Lord closed one door because he's going to open "the" door.  My car just broke down, but it's good.  What you mean it's good?  It's good.  At least I got to drive my car. 

Apostle Paul was tortured, tortured to the point they said they put him in leg restraints and they almost ripped him in two.  And he got whipped, he got beaten, then he got abandoned, rejected, and finally thrown on a ship.  While he's on that ship, he goes into a great storm, and the ship sinks and he finds himself floating in the sea hanging onto a plank.  And then he makes it safely onto the shore on the island of Malta.  And there now he's going to have peace, rest, safety, build a fire and get warm. And then the Bible says this:  A venomous viper fastened itself on Paul's hand. And you know what he did?  He shook off that snake, and he stepped it up.  And I'm pretty sure he had a good night’s sleep that night. 

Some of you sitting here today, maybe you feel like life has just been a torture, and that your life is getting ripped in two.  You've been beaten, you've been whipped, maybe your whole dream has been shipwrecked, and now you're just floating and hanging onto whatever you can so that you don't drown in the midst of life's mess.  And just when you thought things were going to be safe, peaceful, and good and your feet on solid ground and you're seeking the warmth and safety all around you, bam, something else bad fastened itself upon your life.  Well, you're just going to have to shake it off and step it up and say, “Lord, thank you that You're the one who protects me.  I'm going to lie down in peace and sleep because all things are going to work for my good because I love You, and I know I'm called for Your purpose.” 

One of the greatest things for you and me not losing any sleep and sleeping well is knowing that when this life is over, you and I end up in a place called paradise.  That should bring the best sleep. 

I've noticed this one thing lately about Christians and people in church.  There are really two kinds, those that hope they get into heaven and those that know they're going to get into heaven.  I was one that hoped I would get into Heaven.  I said the sinner's prayer, got water baptized, went to DCAT. 

But then I read this scripture in the Bible where for sure you’re going to know. That's when Jesus was on the cross and He had the two thieves with Him.  And one of the thieves mocked Him, and said, “You raised people from the dead, You walked on water, and You healed the blind.  Then why don't You make these nails fly out of our hands and save Yourself and save us too?” But the other thief looked at him and said, “Don't you know who this is?  He has done nothing wrong.  Everything that is happening to us we deserve.”  And he turns to Jesus, and he goes, “Lord, remember me when you enter into your kingdom.”  And Jesus says, “Surely (whenever you see in the Bible it says "surely," that means, “Garans, brah.”), you will walk with me in paradise today.” 

He publicly confessed that Jesus Christ is Lord.  He acknowledged that he was a sinner, and he said, “Lord, remember me.”  He got a guarantee. 

And if you want to get a good sleep tonight and move from hoping you get into heaven and knowing, we're going to take that opportunity right now. Guaranteed. Amen.


  1.       What are the things that can keep you up at night?
  2.       What should we do if we want to get a good night’s rest?
  3.       How is it possible that when we make a mistake it turns out to be all good with God in the end?
  4.       Why should we resolve disputes before we go to bed?
  5.       How do I get a guarantee that I will enter the kingdom of God?