New Hope Notes

Faith Lessons From Moses
Avenue Of The Giants

Pastor Wayne Cordeiro
February 16, 2014 - W1407

Today, we are going to talk about some faith lessons gleaned from the life of Moses.  Moses was born in Egypt during a time when the Israelites were beginning to outnumber the Egyptians.  This brought fear amongst the Egyptians who feared they would be outnumbered.  Therefore, they started killing the Israelite males that were born.  Concerned for her son’s safety, Moses’ mother puts him in a basket and floats him down the Nile. Pharaoh’s daughter sees him, raises him, and he becomes heir to the throne.


Moses had made many mistakes.  Hearing that God called him to deliver the Jews from the Bondage of Egypt, he decides to murder and bury in the sand an Egyptian whom he saw mistreating a Hebrew.   Although Moses made tons of mistakes, he is someone who saw the face of God, and God used him in an extraordinary way.   


Going through a summary of Moses’ life, we are going to talk about one principle that we need to see.  The Bible says, “By faith Moses, when he was born, was hidden for three months by his parents…By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, choosing rather to endure ill-treatment with the people of God than to enjoy the passing pleasures of sin, considering the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt; for he was looking to the reward.”   (Heb. 11:23-26)


Moses’ mother gave him up.   Had Moses not refused to be called Pharaoh’s son, which automatically relinquished his right as heir to Pharaoh, he would have not taken a step closer to becoming the deliverer of his people (the Hebrews).  When Moses admonished two Hebrews who were fighting, one of them mocked him by saying, “Are you going to kill one of us like you did that Egyptian?”    Thinking that he was a deliverer, Moses thought that his people should understand his actions.    However, God said to Moses that he loved his calling more than he loved the one who called him.   It’s like God had said to Moses, that he loved the blessings of God, more than he loved the God of the blessing.  Later, Moses reflected on this, and decided to give up his right to take another’s life based upon his position as heir to Pharaoh.  Every time something is given up, it takes you a step closer to His anointing – being the person that God destined you to be.

As the Bible says, “By faith he left Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king; for he endured, as seeing Him who is unseen.” (Heb. 11:27)

The Pharisees loved their calling more than they loved God, which resulted in a lost relationship with God and murderous decisions.  We might have a great calling, but if we love our calling more than God who called us, then we are going to make the wrong decisions.


God is going to ask Moses to give, and give, and give.  God asked Moses to give away his palace so that God could give him his provision.   We need to give away something temporal in order to gain something eternal.  Give away your position, so that He might have power.


Jim Elliot, who was a missionary to the Auca Indians once said, “He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep, in order to gain what he can never lose.”    God gives us talents, gifts, money, and position; however, this is never yours, and never will be.  He gave these things to steward them while you are on earth, and you can’t take it once you leave.  When we stand before the Lord, we will be naked, and we will be held accountable for how well we managed the things He gave us.


How many of us want to hold on to stuff?

It’s like walking through a magnificent art museum and seeing all of these beautiful artifacts and sculptures.  Sure, you can try to pick them up and put them into your pocket; however, the museum has a detector, and you can’t take them out of the museum.


Think about it.  Whitney Houston was one of the greatest singers ever.  Bill Gates is not going to have a dime when he stands before God, but God will ask him how he stewarded his money while on Earth.  God is going to ask Steve Jobs of Apple, how well he used the creativity, initiative, and finances that He gave him.


Moses got so enamored with his calling that God had to intervene and have him give it up.  In the end, Moses is going to be called the meekest man that lived on Earth. 


When you give things up to God in order to obtain a relationship with Him, you become a man of great humility.  God always rewards people who do this.

As the Bible says, “Without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” (Heb. 11:6)

Dr. David Livingstone was sent from the London Missionary Society to Central Africa during the 1800’s to reach the people of Congo.  While there, he became violently ill, leaving his stomach sensitive to anything except goat’s milk which he relied upon for nourishment and to keep alive. Therefore, he always traveled with a goat that he would milk.


During that time, people would be killed if they went into the Congo without obtaining the Chief’s permission.  However, this entailed lining up all of your possessions including your family outside of the chief’s home, and allowing him to choose which item he wanted as a gift from you.  Once he chose the item, you would gain entrance, and the chief might give you something in return.


Well, Livingstone wanted to gain access to the Congo to preach the gospel; therefore, he lined up all of his possessions and prayed that the chief would take anything but his goat.  Well, the stately king came out of his hut, and looking at Livingstone’s possessions, as he walked up and down with his cane, decided upon Livingstone’s goat.  In return, the King gave him his scepter with which he walked, but this also gave Livingstone entry into all of Central Africa.  Because of this action, God also healed him of his illness.


Giving - sometimes we don’t understand why God wants us to give.



Every time we give, it brings us closer to the person that God wants us to be.  When you withhold your giving, you stop your spiritual growth, and you stop growing into the person that God intended you to be.  Giving


By faith they passed through the Red Sea as though they were passing through dry land; and the Egyptians, when the attempted it, were drowned.”  (Heb. 11:29)


Moses had to leave Egypt and go through the Red Sea.  When the sea closed, he gave up everything.   Every time he gave, whether it was his mother giving him up, or whether he gave up his position, his palace, or his country, this brought him another step closer to what God called him to be.


There will be times when you and I will have to make choices to give up something.  Will your flesh or your spirit decide?  Your flesh may say I want to go this way, but the spirit of God will say you need to go that way.  When I choose the Spirit of God, something of the old Wayne is left behind and I step “closer” to the person that God created me to be.  That’s why God wants us to be a giving people – giving of our time, and of our talent.


Remember if God’s word just goes into your brain then it is called INFORMATION.  If it flows from your heart, then it is called INSPIRATION.  When I am willing to give of my life, it is called TRANSFORMATION.


Around the turn of the century, in 1900, John D. Rockefeller became a millionaire.  At age 53, he became a billionaire; however, he also became extremely sick and wracked with pain and the doctors gave him one year to live.  One morning, he awoke from a dream from God who told him it doesn’t matter how successful you are, you can’t take your money with you.  That very day, he started the John D. Rockefeller foundation to fund research, hospitals and Christian missions.  In return, this resulted in a discovery of penicillin, a cure for malaria and a dozen more cures.  The moment that Rockefeller started to give what God had given to him, his body’s chemistry significantly changed.  God then healed him, allowing him to live to a ripe age of 98.


It is one thing to be healed, and another thing to be made whole.  I want to encourage you not to engage in a tug-of-war with God.  Instead understand that every time you give, it brings you a step closer to the person that God wants you to be.


Let me finish with a favorite story of mine.  A shepherd needs three things.  A rod or staff to protect him from predators, a cloak to used to keep him warm at night and as a shroud during the day as protection from the sun, and sandals to protect his feet from rocks.


One day, a shepherd knelt down to pray and said, “God I give you everything.”  God replied by asking for his staff, which he objected to because he needed it to fend off predators.  However, he willingly laid it on God’s altar.  God then asked him for his cloak.  After stating his need for his cloak, God still asked him for it.  He then agreed to give it to God.  Finally God asked him for his sandals.  This left him without these necessities.  After praying, the shepherd got up from his knees and started to walk back to his sheep.  The Lord then asked him, where his sandals were.  He replied, “I gave it to You.”  The Lord then said to come to His altar where He gave him His cloak, His sandals, and His staff.  Then he said, “I want you to wear my belongings, and now watch what I can do for you.”


God asks us to give of our time, our treasures, and our resources because He wants to give you His resources.  Sometimes we fall in love with our calling, rather than God’s calling.  Sometimes we fall in love with the blessings of God instead of the God of our blessings.  This is why we want to be a people who give.  When you do, God’s power, God’s anointing, and God’s resources will equip us.  I can’t think of anything better to have - can you?



· Why should we give and what do we give?

· What is faith and what does it do?

· Look at your talents.  How will you serve God with them?