New Hope Notes

Findin Happiness In Life
Breath of God

Pastor Aaron Cordeiro
June 23, 2013 - W1325

The message I want to share with you today is entitled “Finding Happiness in Life”. We will be coming out of the book of Psalms and I want to explain why this series is so powerful to us at New Hope. We want to be able to pull out truths from the book of Psalms that God will breathe into your life, into your future, and into your family.
Let me give you a little context on what God wants us to do in this talk. The book of Psalms will always give us voice to your feelings. Because often expressing your emotions can be frustrating especially when seeking a spiritually balanced faith or life where we’re wrestling with emotions, feelings, circumstances, and situations. So Psalms will give you a voice to your feelings. For example should my feelings be up or down? Can you jump for joy when God gets you out of a jam or mix? Moreover what do you do when you feel abandoned by God? I can remember the time when my boat capsized from a large wave, and as I was clinging to the boat I wondered why He let the boat capsize on me. Hence, Psalms will give you a voice to what you might be feeling and put it in a Godly place where God can take tragedy and replace it with something precious.
So why did these Psalmists such as King David, Moses, and Solomon write these poems and songs and pass it on to us? It was to urge spiritual encouragement. Indeed it is just like how we sang a few minutes ago. When people marched into battle they would sing songs of encouragement to remind them to place God first in their lives.
Today the Psalmists are going to speak deep into our hearts and lives. You may be going through all sorts of emotions or feelings and the Psalmists wants us to grab a hold of a promise today. He wants you to find happiness.
Let’s go to Psalms 1 and read it:
“How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the path of sinners, nor sit in the seat of scoffers. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in his law he meditates day and night. He will be like a tree firmly planted by the streams of water which yields its fruit in season, and its leaf does not wither. And in whatever he does, he prospers.”
Our view of God is really important when we try to understand the book of Psalms. Well, God is truly delighted when He sees that His children are happy. So how does God define happiness and success? God is saying that we can really find happiness in life if we follow the three requirements in the Book of Psalms 1.
In Psalms 1:3 it says,
“He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season and its leaf does not wither; and in whatever he does, he prospers.” (Ps. 1:3)
In other words, people that are happy and successful in heaven’s eyes will be like a tree firmly planted by a source that nourishes you and yields a life of fruitfulness; and its leaves will not wither (be foolish) because like photosynthesis you will know that the bad will be converted to good.
The Psalmists encourage us to go after things that will last and to keep us away from things that will not last. So the three things that give you happiness and success are:
That’s why in Psalms 1:1 it says, “How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the path of sinners, nor sit in the seat of scoffers!” (Ps. 1:1)
In other words do not listen to people that are loose morally and unstable, who separate themselves from the laws of God and things that are morally right. And do not sit with scoffers who constantly mock or taunt people.
People that are different are those that are in the Lord’s flock. You are people that are living different unlike that of the world.
Psalms 1:2 says, “But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night.” (Ps. 1:2)
Happy people make the things of God their delight. They plan and prepare their lives according to His truth. Consequently when we hear a truth we need to meditate or chew---as a cow chews its cud---on every bit of nutrient from that truth. Or like an athlete in training, he does a training regimen every day in the hopes that he will reap the benefits and be victorious in his sport.
The Bible says in Psalms1:4-5 that,
“The wicked are not so, but they are like chaff which the wind drives away. Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment …” (Ps. 1:4-5)
We need to be sure that the goals that we choose will stand forever and stand the test of judgment. Unhappy people choose short-term goals and will reap short-term results. One of the great Missionaries of old, John Wesley, said, “I value all things only by the price in which it shall have in heaven.”
Here are some goals of happy people: Stability in marriage and faith in family, where your faith and your family is like a tree firmly planted in the source of God’s truth and you are always exactly what you need to be: a son, daughter, mother, or father---one who would follow Christ with your whole heart.
There is a poem that goes like this: You can use books when speaking on any measure about success. You can measure it in an expensive home or car or dress. But the one measure that you cannot spend, it’s the way your son describes you when he’s talking to a friend.
What are our goals for success? Will they last forever? Is there fruitfulness in our lives that will yield in due season and where your leaves will never fade? Happy people have effective fruit. Things like healthy friends, peace, love, forgiveness, virtues of patience, goodness and kindness---all the things of Galatians 5:22.
This is success in Gods eyes: “Whatever he does he prospers.” Are you willing to set yourself apart to Him, to take delight in the things that He does, to place your goals in His hands? Remember, long life is not necessarily success. If you remember, Jesus’ ministry lasted only 3 ½ years. God did not say that you would win the lottery; even Jesus had no place to put His head down. He didn’t say that you would be the most popular kid on the block. In fact all abandoned Jesus at Gethsemane.
What is God calling you to be successful in today? What is your definition of happiness? Are you willing to be different? Are you willing to delight yourself in the things of God? Will your goals last forever? Because God will mark you as a people of God happy and successful, and whatever you do and wherever you go the Bible says you will prosper because whatever God does he prospers.
1. What do you do when you feel abandoned by God?
2. Why did the Psalmists write poems and songs and pass them on to us?
3. What are the three requirements for happiness and success found in the Book of Psalms 1?
4. What are our goals for success and will our goals last forever?
5. When you hear a truth why do you need to meditate on it?