New Hope Notes

Last Words
The Greatest Life Ever Lived

Pastor Aaron Cordeiro
May 6, 2012 - W1219


Today, we’re going to talk about last words. The last time I was here, I think my ending words were “God bless you.”

Last words are usually memorable in a person’s life. My daughter – her last words as I leave the home – are usually strong and powerful words.

“OK, honey, Daddy’s going to go off to the office,” is what I say, where she just loves to play and hang out, so she runs to the screen door, puts her nose right up to it and says, “Daddy, Daddy, wait! I want to play with you.”

“Well, I want to play with you, too, but I have to go to work,” I’d respond.

“Oh, but Daddy, please don’t leave me all alone.”

Oh, man, she knows how to work me, I tell you, she’s sharp.

Then, I try to get out again, but now she knows what to do.

“Oh, wait, Daddy, wait. I have a question for you. A question.”

“OK, sweetie, what’s your question?”

“So, Daddy, are you going to the office to do all meetings and stuff?”

“Yes, dear, I am.”

“Oh, Daddy, you’re so awesome!”

These little last words – she knows exactly what to say.

Last words, as Jesus would say, are words that can justify us, but words can also condemn us.

In the Bible, it tells us that we want to make sure our last words have intentionality and weight to them, too.

You know, our last words should be those which are pretty important. I remember the story of a man who asked his friend, “Hey, at the end of your life, what are your last words going to be?”

His friend thought about it for a moment and said, “My last words would be: ‘the gold is buried under the…’ and then I’d pass out.  Because then they’d do whatever it took to revive me!”

We want to make sure that our last words are intentional.

Today, we’re going to zero in on some of the last words that Jesus gave to you and me and anyone who would follow Him.

We’re right before the ascension – the forty-day period where He revealed himself to many, including Peter and Thomas. We’re going to look at the last words He gives to the disciples.

At that point, the disciples were about three and a half years into their journey and they’re still pretty new at all this – it’s not like they were at a pastor’s convention.

These words were really given to anyone who would want to follow Him – these were words full of conviction and with the power and weight of Heaven behind them.

These words that Jesus leaves to you and me are like an assignment, full of action points and somewhat of a promise, too, for anyone who wants to receive them and live them. The Lord promises success as we follow Him in the assignment He gives us.

Matthew 28 is known as the Great Commission:

Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28: 16-20 NIV.)

Are you glad we have a God who will be with us until the very end of the age? He is not just a person; He is the God of the Universe. He has all power and all authority.

You see, when God gives us this assignment, He doesn’t put it in your might or your authority, He puts it in as a Heavenly divine power that God has given to us and that is the authority that we walk in.

When we try to do this on our own strength, well then it really gets tough. But when we go in under His authority, it’s like success guaranteed.

It’s like a story my wife recently told me. She’s a middle-school teacher, and when recess was about to end, she turned to one of the young students and asked him to direct the rest of the class to return.

So, he goes out and shouts at his friends to come on in. But no one does. And now he’s a little disgruntled. So, he tries again.

None of the kids follow.

“Billy” turns to his teacher and explains the situation.

My wife then tells Billy to use her name as a way of telling the kids that recess is over.

Which is what Billy does – and then when he looks back, the whole class is following him.

Billy’s success wasn’t determined by his own authority – he used a higher authority, didn’t he? And his success was determined by that which was a higher authority – in Billy’s case, it was his teacher.

Hey, the power of Mrs. Cordeiro: I feel it every day.


See, the same is true for us. We can try to go on our own authority when working the assignment that God has given us, especially when it comes to faith, our families, our marriages, the workplace, relationships.

But if we’re operating on our own authority, the Lord says it’s going to get tough. It really is. We’re all going to go through tough and troubled times, but when you go on the Lord’s authority, the Bible says, there’s strength to be found, a power not of our own, but a power that is eternal – that doesn’t run out – a power that is forever.

That’s what God is going to give us. An authority, and as well as this authority, there are action points.

If we remain faithful, we can have the tenacity to say, “Lord, if this is your assignment for my life, I’m going to step out now in your authority.”

And then the Lord can say, “Yes, my power will walk with you.”
How many of you would like to walk in the power of God?

With all my heart, I believe that here in New Hope, we take this assignment seriously. And, that’s why I believe this church is so blessed today and why we can see God’s purpose everywhere.

It may be a wonderful reminder – or a first time challenge today – but are you ready to receive these last word action points from your King today?

The first action which the Lord commands is a simple one-worder:

1. Go

He says “therefore, go. Make disciples.”

The question is then… go where? And go when?

More than timing or a destination, I think what Jesus is saying here is that it is more of a disposition. If you remember, the disciples were all upstairs praying and waiting for word from Jesus.

“Lord, we want your best! Speak to us! We are waiting. We are ready!”

And then Jesus steps into their lives and says “good, you’re ready.”

The power of the Lord will be with us – when we hear His words and we are willing to go.

Here at New Hope, we call this a “go heart,” those people filled with a heart for action.

When God speaks, it feels like I’m next in line. I’m ready to go. Ready to take action.

And, more than the destination is the question: Do we have a ready heart? A heart that would say, “Lord I have what they call a ‘bias for action’, a disposition to take action. Here I am, Lord!”


This is such a powerful Biblical principal that the Lord is giving here, that His power will come when we have the willingness to step up and say, “Here I am Lord, I am ready to go.”

As I study successful people, I realize there are some business principles in the world that really take and apply the Biblical bias for action.

First would be Herb Kelleher, the CEO of Southwest Airlines. He says they have a strategic plan here – and it is a very simple plan. It is called “Do Something.”

Another one would be a sign once spotted in a team locker room:

“Blame no one, expect nothing and do something.”

That sign was posted by former NFL coach, Bill Parcells. A true bias for action if ever I heard one.

Wayne Gretzky, the leading scorer in the NHL, once said:

“You are guaranteed to miss one hundred percent of all shots that you never take.”

That is, I truly believe, what Jesus is giving us: a bias for action.

As the Bible says, “In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.” (James 2:17 NIV.)

James is saying that, sure, we can pray a lot, but if we don’t have that tenacity, that bias for action, then we are weakened.

How many of us deal with selfish people at work, or difficult kids at home? How many may feel like saying “Lord, I serve you, can’t you help me with these problems?”

Have we ever developed a way of thinking about family members, or close friends, where we say, “Lord, change them because they’re the problem”?

But… maybe we need to pray to break through and find the courage inside, so that we may have a bias for action to change our hearts and not of those around us.

Lord, please give me the courage to resolve that problem and fix any issues of misperception.

Isn’t this what You would do, Lord? Isn’t this what You would do to make things right?

But, would our complaints be so loud that it drowns out hearing the Lord when He would say, “But if you were a people with a bias for action, you would receive the power and the promise like you’ve never felt before. And watch, you wait, you’ll see. I’d step in and do some pretty neat things in your lives.”


Last week, my dad, [Wayne Cordeiro] spoke about worship as a fuel to fill us up or as supplements for the soul.

When we sin, our soul is soiled and we can’t see clearly, but when we worship before the Lord, our soul starts to sing and it is washed clean.

In the Book of Psalms, the Bible says, “What we worship, we become.”

Worship is absolutely critical to muster up the fuel to motivate us and allow us to take action, because whatever we worship, we will become.

How many of you think, and know, and believe that Jesus was willing to take action?

He came from Heaven to Earth and He loved us so much that He gave up everything – so that anyone who came to Him would not perish, but instead have everlasting life.

Jesus was willing to leave it all, and when we worship the Lord, we become more and more like Him.

Let me give you a challenge: Don’t ever skimp on worship.

Go crazy for Jesus (even if you’re getting strange looks from the guy next to you. Worship is washing your soul.)


The second action point that Jesus says is this:

2. Make disciples.

I love that we are a part of a church called New Hope with such a global reach; a place where we are blessed to help save lives all over the world.

But, if this church wasn’t strong and healthy, then God wouldn’t be able to reach out in so many ways as He would like.

Remember, we can only do this, because so many of you have (and continue to) raise your hand to say, “Here I am Lord. Use me.”

Let me speak to you a little more on a practical note. The Bible says that Jesus says go and make disciples of all nations.

In my mind, making disciples of all nations is quite a tall order. Let me give a practical challenge, especially to any parents or grandparents.

I’m quoting [former First Lady] Barbara Bush here: “The health of our nation does not depend on what happens in the White House, but what happens in your house.”

Isn’t that so true?

Sometimes we focus on how do we get everything out there to change, but I think the Lord might be saying what about our own house?

It starts with our own heart, but how about the influence we have in our own homes? How are we doing there? 

Remember, God said, “These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts.  Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” (Deut. 6:6-7 NIV.)

Be intentional when you sit down for breakfast or dinner with your family. What’s the topic going to be? Is God in any of it?

When you talk with loved ones, or go for a walk, use what’s around you as possible spiritual teaching moments to pass on to your children or your family members.

What’s the conversation like when you get up?

What’s the atmosphere like when you arise?

The Bible is saying the promise comes when we are a people with a bias for action to remove any spiritual hazards, and set up a healthy spiritual atmosphere – starting in our homes.

Is that the case in your home?

I think we do that with our kids – especially the first. We childproof everything, including the toilet – but have you ever tried to get in there when you super-have to go? It’s like Fort Knox trying to undo those locks!

Then comes the second or third child, and you tend to relax a little more. Is that helping the spiritual level of the house? Are we protecting our growing family against any spiritual hazards that may affect them?

Are we setting our homes up to succeed for our children?

Their children?

And what about future generations?


The best way to teach is:

·     By Example

I really believe this, because kids really do learn from example. And, the Lord is asking who is going to take the lead and teach through example.

Parents, tell your kids that sure, you make mistakes, but you are going to do things the best way you can and ask them to follow you as you walk in the path of the Lord with a bias for action.

The Lord has said that we don’t have to be perfect, but that His power and authority will be there. There may be tears, things may get messy, things might be a little awkward, but God has given us the courage to be people who say, “Yes, I will follow You, Lord.”

Then, the leader of the family can stand up and say to the others around him… come on, let’s go.”

That’s where the power is.

As it is written, “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.” (1 Corinthians 11:1-3)

There are many examples out there, but let me ask, are you willing to lift a hand and say, “Yes Lord, I’ll go”?

It’s a powerful thing, but we can learn from any example of willing hearts ready to lead their family as they follow the Lord.


Lastly, the Lord gives us this amongst the last words:

3. The Promise of His Presence.

The Bible doesn’t promise us immunity from problems, but God does promise that when we go through problems, He’ll never let go of our hands. As the Bible says, “And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matt. 28:20b)

God doesn’t promise a life without hurt, but He does promise this: He’ll never waste a hurt, and He’ll always use it for your good. (Romans 8:28 says that.)

He doesn’t promise that He won’t let us go through temptations because we’re going to facing those all the time, but He does promise that He won’t allow us to go through temptations that we can’t handle – and He will always give us an escape when we do face a strong temptation.

God doesn’t promise that we won’t get weary or tired, but He does promise that all who come to Him will find rest.

See, if we’re willing to have a bias for action, the Bible says, “For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God.” (2 Corinthians 1:20 NIV.)

There are so many promises that God gives us, and when we follow the example of Christ, the answer will always be “yes” in your life. God said, “I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of My hands.” (Isa.49:15-16)

God is building a strong home and a strong faith in your life. It’s going to be something that can reach out and cover your family and your friends.

When working on an assignment for God don’t skimp on it. Don’t cut corners, because it is something that is so absolutely important.

Your homework is to write down at least three actions that God is telling you to do and to write down at least three people you are helping into the Kingdom of God.



Further discussion questions:

·     In the first part of his last words, he asks, “when I speak, are you willing to go?” Is your answer yes?

·     And if not, what is stopping you from answering in the positive?

·     How can you allow God to step into your life and change your heart?

·     How’s the spiritual atmosphere in your house?

·     Who can you impact as a person filled with a bias for action?