New Hope Notes

Going Public With Your Faith
Making Mondays Count

Pastor Elwin Ahu
October 5, 2008 - W0840

Buried beneath the news about politics and economics, an article in USA Today reported that the growth of popular mega-churches may be stalling (  But perhaps the more troubling concern raised by this article was that experts are suggesting churches are not making measurable inroads on overall church attendance or at driving attendants toward a deeper faith.  Rather, according to the article, many churchgoers are just spectators; the churches are not transforming people and the unchurched are remaining untouched.

When you consider your life here on earth and what your purpose is here, what do you think it is?  Well God determined our purpose here on earth a long time ago.  In fact, our purpose was recorded in the Bible over 2000 years ago; the Bible tells us to, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit…”  (Matthew 28:19).


God’s command is very clear:  we are to go out and make disciples of others…to share our faith…but why don’t we?  We don’t out of fear.  Most of us have a fear of going public with our faith that prevents us from sharing the Good News with others, but what do we fear?




Even though the disciples were not a well-liked group at the time, the apostle Peter reminded them to go out and share their faith with others:


“But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord.  Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.  But do this with gentleness and respect…” (1 Pet. 3:15).


Sometimes our fears grip us so much that we can’t move.  I am deathly afraid of heights and I remember going to the First Hawaiian Center with Pastor Wayne to visit someone there.  They have that glass elevator on the outside of their building that goes up to the 30th floor.  When I got into the elevator, I immediately turned so that I was facing the elevator panel, not the window.  As the elevator starting rising quickly from the ground floor, Pastor Wayne grabbed my arm and spun me around telling me to look at the beautiful view.  I wanted to knock the guy out for doing that but I was frozen solid from fright!  I couldn’t move a muscle.


Our fears about going public with our faith can often prevent us from taking any action.  A survey showed that nine out of ten people who shared their faith with someone else felt like they failed.  We often shy away from sharing our faith because we are fearful of failing.  Well let me suggest something: When I’m in fear of failure, I change the definition of failure and it helps me to get through it.


There’s a potential for failure in just about everything that we do however if God has called you to it, how can you really go wrong?  If God has called you to a task, you may be inclined not to do it if you are afraid that you’ll fail at the task.  But if you changed your definition of failure, not as a failure of the task but as a failure to obey God’s command…would that help you to do what He has asked you to do?  Then, if you remember, “Greater is He that is in me than He that is in the world,” (1 John 4:4) that puts a whole new perspective on things.







Failure is not results-driven; failure is not giving yourself the chance to succeed.  Reggie Jackson, Mark McGwire, and Sammy Sosa…What are they known for?  You’d probably say for their home run records but did you know that Sammy Sosa has struck out more than anybody in major league history except Reggie Jackson?  You see, in order to succeed big, you have to be willing to risk failing big.  You need to step out in faith and put yourself on the line in order to have the chance to score big.  But when you’re doing the Lord’s will, don’t think that your chances of success are slim because God’s on your side:


“But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.” (Acts 1:8)


God’s got your back so what is there to fear?  It’s not you who will product the results but God will. 




“I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow.” (1 Cor. 3:6)


Our task is really to do what is best and let God take care of the rest.  God loves people so much that He puts us in different situations where we share the same look, characteristics, likes or dislikes, or same job so that we have commonalities on which to build relationships and/or share with others what God has done for us.  And we can invite them to church (or Christ) and God takes care of the rest.



In any case, when it comes to sharing your faith, your actions speak louder than words.





“For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through laying on of my hands.  For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline.  So do not be ashamed to testify about our Lord, or ashamed of me Hi prisoner.” (2 Tim. 1:6-8)


Is Christ above anything you treasure?


When we first get into relationships, we’re so excited and we can’t wait to share it with others.  But over time, things fade.  Things lose their sparkle but Revelations has this to say:


“You have persevered and have endured hardships for my name, and have not grown weary. Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken your first love. Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first…” (Rev. 2:3-5)


We tend to lose that sparkle and it’s reflected in our lifestyle.


Are you excited about Christ?  Are you living in a way in which others can see a difference in you?  If so, you don’t have to open that door [to share your faith], they will open it for you!


What’s being reflected in your life?  Is His love a sparkle in your life? 





When we’re fearful, we see the obstacles; however, when we’re faithful, we see the opportunities. 


I recently returned from a trip which included a visit to Knotts Berry Farm.  At the park, there was this crazy roller coaster ride called the Xcelerator.  The Xcelerator is an electrifying ride that reaches a top speed of 82 mph in 2.3 seconds through an exhilarating 205-foot ascent and immediate descent at a 90-degree angle.  It was a scary ride…but it was fun.  And I’ll do it again the next time I go back to Knotts and it won’t be as scary. 


What do you think Disney was trying to teach us?  I think he was trying to teach us not to underestimate the power of fun.  Don’t underestimate the power of having fun.  When we go public with our faith, we may say nothing out of fear, but don’t have fear, have fun.  And as with most things, the first time is usually the hardest.  Next time is usually easier.  So the next time you share about your faith, it won’t be as scary.  And the time after that, it’ll be even less scary.  And the time after that, maybe you’ll begin to see how fun it really is.  Once you’ve gone public with your faith and have led another soul to Christ, there is such exhilaration in that and you can get hooked.  


“So is My word that goes out from My mouth: it will not return to Me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” (Is. 55:11)


God gives you the power and safety for whatever ride He asks you to take in this life, so if He straps you in, just enjoy the ride! 


Going public with your faith can be a very scary thing.  We may fear failure, being inadequate, or maybe rejection.  But when we find ourselves immobilized by fear, it is helpful to redefine failure and success.  If we define failure as “refusing to share your faith” and success as “sharing your faith and letting God take care of the rest,” it becomes much easier for us to share our faith.  And if you remember that it’s your lifestyle, not your words, that will equip you to share, that will also make things easier.  Fear sees obstacles while faith sees opportunities.  So with the confidence of God supporting you, go out and have FUN sharing your faith.





1.      What fears make it difficult for you to share about your faith?

2.      How can you redefine those fears to allow you to go public with your faith?

3.      What does it mean for your lifestyle, not your words, to equip you to share?

4.      What aspects of your lifestyle can you see may create opportunities to share about your faith?

5.      What aspects of our lifestyle do you think conflict with being a good testimony for God?  What can you do to address that?

6.      What does it mean that fear sees obstacles and faith sees opportunities?

7.      Pick three things you’ll do this week to share your faith.  Discuss what happened next time.