New Hope Notes

Three Days
Defining Moments

Pastor Wayne Cordeiro
April 20, 2008 - W0816

Every single one of us will have defining moments.  Defining moments define who you really are. If handled well, defining moments can add to your credibility or life testimony; however, if handled poorly, they highlight or make obvious what you need to work on in your life (and right away!)  Some say defining moments don't really build your character, but rather, they reveal it.


One of the things that I try to do to help with those defining moments is to answer questions before they come.  You see, if we want our responses to be strong and unwavering when the storms come, we need to drive our pillars really deep.  We need to answer the questions before the questions are asked...because if not, it'll be too late.  It's like when you're paddling.  When I went to a paddling race, I climbed into a boat and there were all these packets taped to the inside of the boat. The coach told me that I needed to pay attention to the time and that every 15 minutes or so, I needed to be sure that I took X many sips of water from my camel pack and to drink the contents of one of the packets that was taped to the side of the boat.  He warned me not to wait until I was thirsty before drinking water because if I did, it would be too late.  I would already be on my way to dehydration if I waited to drink until I was thirsty.


Similarly with our marriages and jobs, don't wait until the sign of trouble appears before doing something about it.  Be proactive.  Take care of things and answer the hard questions before they get asked because if you wait, it'll be too late.  Reality can't plan for defining moments so prepare for them now.  Defining moments should not be when you're facing the lions but rather when things are quiet and you have the time and reasonableness to prepare.


If you look in the Bible concordance, you will notice that these defining periods/moments are referred to as "3 days".  It's the time between when you go in for a biopsy and get the test results.  It's the period between when you apply for a job and hear back from the employer.  It's the quiet, often waiting time between a question and the answer when you're wondering -- or more likely worrying -- about what the answer will be and how you're going to handle that response.  It's called, "3 days."  During that time, you can bail out, or get better.   


What you do in those 3 days will be critical to your life.  It'll be a defining moment.  Moses had 3 days when he was told that he would not enter the Promised Land.  Joshua had 3 days when he faced the walls of Jericho.  Jonah had 3 days in the belly of the whale and then he had another 3 days on his walk to Ninevah.  Esther had 3 days when she told her people to fast and pray before she went to see the King.  Even Jesus had 3 days when He was left behind at the Temple.  Then, of course, we can't forget the most important three days:  when Jesus was crucified and then rose again from the dead 3 days later.


Today we're talking about Paul the Apostle -- originally known as Saul.  Saul was blinded for 3 days.


God can do a lot in 3 days.  What are you going to do in 3 days?  Run?  Hide? 


"Saul got up from the ground, and though his eyes were open, he could see nothing; and leading him by the hand, they brought him into Damascus.  And he was three days without sight, and neither ate nor drank" (Acts 9:8-9).


Ever been there?  We all will be at some time in our lives.  But what do you do when you end up in 3 days?  Well the first thing you should do is...





Be patient.  Don’t bail.


“The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you…” (2 Pet. 3:9)


We are impatient people, but God can do a lot in 3 days.  And most of the time…




In the story of Saul, at one point, God goes to the house of Ananias:


“But Ananias answered, ‘Lord, I have heard form many about…how much harm he did to Your saints at Jerusalem…’” (Acts 9:13)


Ananias didn’t want to go but during his 3 days, God not only needs to work on Saul’s heart but on Ananias’ too.  When you’re in a 3 day period, God may need to work on others as well – maybe your spouse, a co-worker, or someone else around you.


In Daniel’s case, he is praying during his 3 days but his 3 days turns into 3 weeks!  But God has this reassuring thing to say:


“…from the first day…your words were heard…But the prince of the kingdom of Persia was withstanding me for twenty-one days…” (Dan. 10:12-13)


God confirms her that He heard Daniel’s prayer the first day; however, He needed 21 days to address the enemy.


So as mentioned, when you’re in 3 days, the first thing you should do is to give God time because He does hear you and rather than bail, grouse, or complain…





“’Ananias!’ ‘Yes, Lord!’ he replied.  The Lord said, ‘Go over to a street called Straight, to the house of Judas.  When you arrive, ask for Saul of Tarsus.  He is praying to Me right now.’” (Acts 9:10-11 NLT)


What is Saul doing in these 3 days?  Praying – not complaining, but praying.  Saul went from a persecutor of God’s people to someone who became a spokesman for God. 


I remember going back to read some of my old journals to review the words that God has spoken into my life and the lessons He has taught me but on this particular occasion, it was not the message or lesson that caught me, but the prayer that I had written down.  I noticed the softness of heart which that prayer reflected and I paused and asked God to restore the softness to my heart.


During 3 days, give God time and learn to pray for change rather than complain, but also…





God was about to bring humility to Saul.


“…though his eyes were open, he could see nothing; and leading him by the hand, they brought him to Damascus…” (Acts 9:8)


Keep in mind that Saul was a Pharisee and Pharisees were proud, arrogant people who would never let people lead them by the hand because they always felt that they were in control.  So God blinded him and brought humility to him.


Remember last week I said learning for a child is an expression of curiosity but learning for an adult is an expression of humility.  Sometimes we demand answers but instead God gives us direction:






“’Who are You Lord?’  And He said, ‘I am Jesus whom you are persecuting, but get up and enter the city, and it will be told you what you must do.’” (Acts 9:5-6)


Sometimes we demand answers from God – you’ll be in a holding pattern, paralyzed – without getting an answer.  Instead, He sometimes just gives you direction to restore humility and obedience to your heart, rather than just give you answers.  He restores your heart to the point where you can say, “It doesn’t matter what the future holds for me because I know who holds my future.”


“…if you are suffering according to God’s will, keep on doing what is right…” (1 Pet. 4:19 NLT)


So what are we to do during those 3 days?  Keep on doing what is right…because those 3 days are a defining moment!


The bible gives so many examples of “3 days” as defining moments in people’s lives.  It’s the time between the question (What should I do about my marriage?  Is this the right move for my career?) and waiting for God’s answer.  During those 3 days, give God time.  Oftentimes, it’s not really a matter of us being patient with Him but rather, He is having to be patient with us.  In those 3 days, pray for change rather than complain and let God deepen humility in you and prepare your heart for what He will bestow on you.


God can do a lot in 3 days.  He can cause hearts to change.  He can bring redemption to the world.  In 3 days, He even went down into the depths of Hell to set the captives free.  So here’s the question:  What are YOU going to do in your 3 days [when you don’t have all the answers]?





1.      Think about a time when you asked God for answers but He didn’t provide them right away.  What did you do?


2.      Think of some situation where you can see yourself asking God for answers but the answers may not just be with you; that He’ll have to work on someone else as well.  How can you prepare yourself ahead of time to deal with those situations so you’re not caught unaware and you can hold steadfast through that time?


3.      What kind of impact do you think your defining moments can have on others?  So how does that affect how you respond during those times?


4.      If you’re going through a 3 day, defining moment right now, share about that and get some feedback on how you’re handling it.


5.      What are the challenges you struggle with during those 3 days?  Pray about those challenges and affirm your belief that God is in control and that’s good enough for you.