New Hope Notes

Happy 12th Anniversary

Pastor Wayne Cordeiro
September 9, 2007 - W0736

This year marks New Hope’s 12th Anniversary. We are so thankful for all that God has done for us as a church and in our lives. Today, we’re privileged to have Christian artist Natalie Grant and speaker Aqua and her son Ben Underwood. These guests are here to celebrate with us and inspire us with their gift of song and testimony. So as we celebrate twelve years let us also walk closely with the Lord into a new season. Let us also continue to allow Him to do His work in us.


What is our definition of being blessed or loved? Is it when we have abundance? But what if we are going through hard times? For some reason, as Christians we think that if we’re blessed, we’re loved. And, if things are not going well in finances or relationships, we ask why? Hence, we think we’re not loved. However, thinking this way is like we’re using the wrong dictionary. By doing so, our faith is off keel. 


Well for one, we should never let circumstances define God’s love for us. And understand that God’s love is defined by the scriptures. “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life”. Jn 3:16.  This tells us He loves us and God gave. If it were not true, than why did God allow His Son to suffer?


So how can we better understand love and blessings in hard times? Think of it this way. Life comes in an unfinished form. You see, God will never give us life in neatly wrapped packages with a pretty bow or glitter on it. Therefore, it’s not what life gives you but what you make of it. And, if you ask how God can use the bad things in your life? Well, it’s through a process of conversion. This is where darkness is converted into light. This is the presence of God.


It’s taking something that was bad and turning it into something pure. One example of a conversion process is with a tree. It takes in carbon monoxide then converts it into oxygen. Another example is salt water converting into drinking water. This process is called purifying. What happens is salt water evaporates, it precipitates and then it rains. When you think about it, we have no problem living with what God converts.


God’s creation or DNA is full of conversion. God’s greatest image is on his creation called people. So, what can be bad for humans God converts it to something good for mankind. Listen, although the process which we receive life is in jumbled form. From this we can choose to turn it into something good.


However, if we fall victim to circumstances in relationship issues and we loose heart, we start telling ourselves that God does not love us. Remember, life is a process and God isn’t done with us yet. In fact, God’s love is just beginning. Maybe, we need to learn and understand God’s love more. More importantly, nothing is impossible with God. So partner with Him and watch your life turn into what God designed it to be. When you’re redeeming something good from something that was bad, you’re never more like God.


Two of our guests are fourteen year old Ben Underwood and his mother Aqua. When Ben was 2 years old he had cancer in both eyes. He then lost his sight at an early age. Amazingly, by clicking his tongue he is able to see things. Yes, this is called echo location - returning sound waves. Although blind, Ben rides a bike, shoots basketballs, does karate, roller blades and yes even plays video games. Isn’t that amazing!


Ben starting clicking when he was seven years old. This is how he navigated his surroundings. Aqua tells us, although without eyes, Ben is still in the image of God. We asked Ben if he ever was frustrated with God or asked why me? He responded and said he doesn’t have a problem, so why ask why? He added that he made a promise not to ask why or but. By doing so, he has no problem with God. We also asked Ben what he wanted to be when he grows up. And Ben confidently replied that he wants to be an inventor, a writer, actor and game designer! Imagine that. This is absolutely an inspiration to the rest of us. Ben’s mother Aqua added that if it there was a blackout from a power outage, we’d all be following Ben to find our way around!


So you see, it’s not so much of what we received in life, but most importantly the victory we received from Christ Jesus. Sometimes people call it quits far sooner than they should. Remember, we’re not done yet because God’s not done yet. And although we’ve come so far, there’s so much more to go.


God has placed eternity in the hearts of man. So when you want to call it quits, pray to acquire a spirit that overcomes. How, you ask? “They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony…” Rev. 12:11 This tells us, that we shall overcome by the Word of our faith and the blood of the Lamb. In other words, by cooperating and participating with His power. Together with Christ, nothing will be impossible. Above all, this will give glory to God. This too is an example of converting something bad into something pure. God’s love is indeed amazing!


As we reflect on these twelve years, we see that God has given us a lot. And, with this anniversary, God is giving us the spirit that overcomes. Therefore, we pray…


Lord, on this twelve anniversary thank you for all that you have done. People have come through so much and we’re glad that you’re just beginning. There’s so much more to go and we’re glad because we love walking with you. We love to see your love in motion as we continue to walk with you in this next season. We pray that you’ll help us to keep our eyes fixed on you. And for us to remember that it is by your power and not by what circumstances give us. Thus, it will be by your power that will meet those circumstances.


And now that we walk into the future, we begin to see things resolved, changed, increased, improved because of your love. We pray not to define things before you start to work. But instead, to keep our eyes on you and let you work. One day, we’ll look back and say, that it was your love in our lives. Thank you for church!  





Q1) Share one thing that God has converted in your life?


Q2) What concern(s) do you currently have? In what practical ways can you build trust in the Lord?


Group) Share a scripture stating God’s love.


Group) Pray in thanksgiving on this anniversary. And, to acquire a spirit that overcomes.