New Hope Notes

Can You Hear Me Now?
Can You Hear Me Now?

Pastor Wayne Cordeiro
March 27, 2005 - W0513

For God does speak – now one way, now another – though man may not perceive it.” (Job 33:14 NIV) 


All of us want to hear God. In fact, the Bible establishes the fact that God indeed wants to communicate with us. However, the problem often times is that we don’t recognize His voice. Now it doesn’t mean that God is restricted only to a human voice. He actually uses a variety of avenues to reveal His messages to us.  For example, He may use situations, circumstances, or even pain in order to get our attention. That said why do we have trouble hearing Him? The reason could be that we don’t always recognize how He speaks to us.


Let me illustrate. Right now in this room there are hundreds of frequencies and radio waves going through the air at any given moment. Yet we will only hear at whatever frequency we are tuned in to. The same is true with us. God is always speaking to us and though we are trying to hear God, we may not hear Him because we are tuned in to a different frequency.


The Bible shows us a variety of methods God uses to speak to us. He’s used prophets, thunder and lightning, a rooster, and even a donkey to relay His will to His people. The point is that we need to be in tune with His voice or we will be hearing from someone or something else instead of God. So let's take a long at four reasons…







Why is it so important that we hear God clearly? The first thing is that it is proof we have a relationship with Him – that we are a part of His family. Remember communication is something the Lord wants with us. So it is not about another religion, it’s about a genuine relationship we can have with the Father through His Son, Jesus Christ. Of course if we don’t think Jesus Christ has ever spoken to us, then we will have doubts about our relationship with Him.


Clearly God says He wants to have a relationship with his family: “I am the good shepherd, and I know My own and My own know Me … and they will hear My voice …” (John 10:14, 16) In other words, one way we can know we are a believer is by hearing God speak to us. God so longs to have a relationship with us and even knows our voices. That’s why we must know our Father in order that we may be able to discern God’s voice.


Now new believers may have difficulty recognizing His voice at first. That’s because they are still getting to know the Father. But the longer we are a growing Christian in a personal relationship with Him, His voice becomes familiar and we can distinguish whether or not God is speaking.  Keep in mind that hearing God is about communication rather than deciphering a code or language.


So it is important that we hear God because once we know Him as Lord and Savior, it shows we are a growing part of His family. Another reason it is important we hear God is because it …..





God actually guides and instructs us in ways that will help us make wise decisions and avoid unnecessary mistakes. All we need to do is, listen!


“He may speak in their ears and terrify them with warnings, to turn man from wrongdoing and keep him from pride, to preserve his soul from the pit, his life from perishing by the sword” (Job 33:16-18).


In other words, He sometimes terrifies us in order to keep us from going over the edge. Has God ever done that to you? I know God has warned me many times and saved me from embarrassment and even destruction.


I recall some years ago, Anna and I were struggling through a terrible time in our marriage. I even considered giving up and going our separate ways. But in a moment of clarity, God spoke to me and let me know that what I perceived was not His voice at all. And I would not have recognized Him speaking to me if I did not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.


So remember it is important we hear God because it shows that we are a growing part of His family and it keeps us from potential dangers. The next equally important point to remember is…





For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful apart from Me.  Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches.  Those who remain in Me, and I in them, will produce much fruit.  For apart from Me you can do nothing.” (John 15:4-5 NLT). 


Simply put, we cannot do anything of eternal significance if we are separated from God. The Bible says in Romans 6:23: “For the wages of sin is death…” – or separation from God. Really, where's the value in what we do if we are separated from God? Therefore, we need to resolve any issues that keep us from being fruitful. And because God knew we could not resolve sin on our own, the Bible says: God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.” (Jn. 3:16) Our Father sent Jesus to repair our relationship with Him because sin actually severed and cut us off from God.


So remember that apart from Him we can do nothing. Then when we bridge that gap with the Lord, we will learn …



We must learn to tune in to God's voice. And the only way we can do that is by growing in our relationship with the Father and relying on His guidance. In fact, that is exactly what spiritual maturity means. It is learning to lean on God moment by moment. We are reminded to: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart.  Lean not on your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.” (Prov. 3,5,6) That means even when our lives seem to be in chaos and we feel we are at a dead end; those are the times we need to hear God the most. Martin Luther once said, “I have so much to do today I cannot spend my usual hour in prayer, I must spend three”.  The same is true for us. We must be tuned in to God’s voice in order to avoid costly mistakes and regret.


So we’ve learned that it’s important to hear God -- first because it shows we are growing in our relationship with Him. Secondly, knowing God’s voice warns us of impending dangers. Furthermore, depending on God’s instruction is the key to a more productive life. And last, but not least we must hear God because it is …





Jesus was teaching in the temple when some chief priests and elders were a bit envious of Him. So they decided to ask Him from where His authority derived. Instead of answering them directly, Jesus asked them was it God or man who gave John the Baptist his role and authority?  After some discussion, the elders and priests were reluctant to answer either way for political reasons. Instead:  “So they finally replied, ‘We don’t know.’  And Jesus responded, ‘Then I won’t answer your question either.’” (Matt. 21:27) The point was since the elders actually knew the answer and did not answer truthfully, Jesus was also not obligated to answer them. Essentially, God will not reveal more unless we're accountable to the truths we already know?


God highlighted this lesson for me a few years ago. Having been aroused by stories of miraculous signs others had seen, I camped alone at Kaena Point hoping to see a sign from God. I stayed up all night praying and waiting for God to show up. Later, disappointed and frustrated, I eventually packed up to go home. I asked God why He wasn’t talking to me. God then spoke to my heart and revealed that He had already given me instructions. And in reality I did hear Him say to be a good husband, father, and pastor in close relationship with Him. I just wasn’t following His will. 


That’s why it is so important to concentrate on obeying what God has already told us instead of chasing after some future unknown instruction from Him. He will only reveal more if we are faithful in what He’s already assigned us to do.


But where does our listening to God’s word really begin?



What does this mean? What is the message of the cross? You see, sin separates us from enjoying a personal relationship with God. That’s why Jesus came to repair that relationship between us and the Father. Remember, apart from Him we can do nothing. So God gives us an opportunity to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior for He is the only one who links or repairs the gap sin severs. 


Sometimes we may feel like we can’t hear God, but just remember we can be confident that He hears our cries: “… God says, ‘At the right time, I heard you.  On the day of salvation, I helped you.’ Indeed, God is ready to help you right now.  Today is the day of salvation.” (2 Cor. 6:2 NLT) 


There’s a story of a fireman responding to a fire at his own home. He saw his young daughter trapped on the 2nd floor surrounded by smoke and flame. He called to his daughter to jump assuring her that he would catch her. She was afraid because there was too much smoke and could not see her dad.  He reassured her that it was okay because though she did not see him, he could see her.


Our Father is like that fireman. Even when we can’t hear or see Him, He hears and sees us. Today is the day of Salvation. If sin is keeping you separated from the Father, resolve that issue with God today. Ask Jesus to come into your heart and be your personal Lord and Savior. Then as you walk with Him, you will discover not only will you hear His voice, but your relationship with Him will continue to grow. Soon you’ll discover you are able to discern His voice when He warns you of impending dangers. Not only that, as you depend on His guidance, you will enjoy an even more productive life. Finally, remember that the key to future instructions from the Father will depend on us following instructions He’s already given.






Questions for Discussion.

1.      Do you ever wonder if you are really hearing God?

2.      Can you recall a time when God had to get your attention through something terrifying or painful? Did you heed or ignore His warning? What was the result?

3.      Reflect on John 15:4-5. Your dependence on Him or independence of Him determines whether or not your life is productive. How can you live your life so that what you do will significantly impact His kingdom?

4.      Frustrated because you can’t hear His voice? Then ask yourself: how am I being accountable to what He’s already instructed me to do?

5.      Today is the day of salvation. How are you responding to the cross?

6.      What most impacted you about today’s lesson? How will you begin to apply what you learned to your life this week?


Please thank our faithful volunteer summary writer, Leighton Loo for this week’s sermon notes. He’s attentive to God’s promptings -- listening and following His instructions. Great job!