New Hope Notes

Qualities Of A Spirit Of Excellence
A Spirit of Excellence

Pastor Wayne Cordeiro
November 7, 2004 - W0445

Why is it so important to develop a spirit of excellence? Why is it is that God speaks to us about such a spirit? Each of us will be faced with “tests” of one sort or another throughout our lives. We need to realize, for example, that what makes a good marriage is not how infatuated we are with each other but how well we can come through the tests. The spirit with which we face these “tests” will tell us a great deal about its outcome. And, you can tell a great deal about someone by observing the results of their tests.


Daniel possessed specific qualities in such abundance that it was credited to him as having a spirit of excellence. These qualities included the following:


Extraordinary spirit

I am known by others as having a positive attitude, always bringing a fresh perspective to each problem and it gives others hope.

Knowledge and Insight

I am known as a person who constantly increasing in knowledge and as one who gives wise counsel that always brings understanding.

Interpretation of dreams

I am described as a person that, whatever circumstances arise, I can always discern what God is saying. As I share God’s perspective, it brings confidence and direction to others.

Explanation of enigmas

I have a reputation of making difficult issues simple and comprehendible.

Solving difficult problems

I am known as one that others look to when complicated issues arise. I am able to solve these in such a way that everyone benefits and each person feels valued.


Discussion #1: Rate yourself in each of these qualities. What steps can you take to help develop and refine these qualities so that you will be known for having a “spirit of excellence”?


Remember that Daniel was a man who possessed such a high level of these qualities that others could predict the outcome with him in any situation. There was a spirit of consistency in his character and when this happens in our own lives (when others can predict whether we will fare well in any situation) that’s called a spirit of excellence.


Here’s some context for Daniel’s story. Fifty miles south of Baghdad lies the ruins of one of the most prosperous capitals in the ancient world—Babylon. This city was the capital of the mighty Babylonian empire and first mentioned as far back in the Bible as Genesis chapter 10. It was built by a man named Nimrod but finished by King Nebuchadnezzar. It was renowned and magnificent. Historians tell us that the walls were 300 ft. high (about 30 stories). To top it off, it was also 80 ft. thick and the circumference of the city was 60 miles! The city also had 100 tower ramparts for protection that circled it. It was like the New York City of the ancient world that lay next to the banks of the Euphrates River. The engineers of Babylon, we’re told by historians, even managed to channel the entire river under the city for public use and then funneled it out the other side. It was an amazing place.


Nebuchadnezzar was so filled with pride over his city that God struck him with madness. He became like a wild beast and went insane until he repented, in which case, God restored his mind. Nebuchadnezzar then dies in 562 B.C. and after a string of successors is followed by Belshazzar. One night Belshazzar calls all his nobles, their wives and concubines to a huge drunken party. In the middle of the feast, he has his servants bring out the sacred vessels and goblets the Israelites used in the temple in Jerusalem. He uses them to toast the gods of silver, gold, bronze, iron, wood and stone. Just as Belshazzar is mocking God, a large hand appears and begins to scratch a message on the walls of the banquet hall: “Mene. Mene. Tekel. Uparsin.” It was like God sent the king an email. It was basically saying: “You have been weighed and you have been found wanting. I am about to destroy your kingdom.” The Bible says that Belshazzar becomes so afraid that the king turned as white as a sheet and his hip joints went slack. In one translation, it says that the king “messed” his pants. On top of that he didn’t even know what the message meant!


Meanwhile in all the commotion, the Queen suggests to Belshazzar that a man known for his extraordinary qualities may be able to help. “There is a man in your kingdom in whom is the spirit of the holy gods…This was because an extraordinary spirit, knowledge and insight, interpretation of dreams, explanation of enigmas, and solving difficult problems were found in this Daniel…” (Dan. 5:11-12).


So Daniel was summoned and he explained the mystery of the message along with a warning (see Dan. 5: 18-28). However, Belshazzar did not take heed to the message. As the story continues, without the knowledge of the Babylonians, historians tell us that for 2 years, the Medes and Persians were developing a way to divert the Euphrates River away from Babylon so that the underground pipes would go dry. Thus on that very night Belshazzar received God’s message, the Medes and Persians walked in through the dry canal and Babylon and its king, along with most of the inhabitants were destroyed. Yet, due to Daniel’s reputation, the King of the Persians saved his life and appointed him a top official in his own kingdom.


When we possess the spirit of excellence, God guards us and enables us to actually influence the nation. We have that same potential to become a people with a spirit of excellence. So the Bible shows us with Daniel’s life what it means to have a spirit of excellence. The first point is…





“Therefore, putting aside all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander, like newborn babies, long for pure milk of the word, so you may grow in respect to salvation” (Pet. 2:1-2). In other words, once and for all put aside all these things and thus begin to develop a spirit of excellence.


Daniel’s simply did not engage in anything unless it was honest. It was his basis for life, his “default” setting. A lot of times we know that something is the right choice, but we’ve got to reach towards it; we struggle for it. The question is who are we when no one is looking? At the very core of his being, Daniel possessed a genuine character. So how can we get to that point where our choices are automatic and we don’t have to struggle for it? Well, Daniel reached that level because…




Daniel learned to “feed” himself on the words of the Lord even while he was young. He was able to stand on his own spiritually. That’s why it’s so important to have our own devotional or quiet times so we learn to hear from God ourselves. We need to wean off of blaming others for our circumstances. Like Daniel we must learn to stand on our own and make wise decisions. Another way we can develop genuine character is by learning that Daniel:




Here’s the toughest thing about developing the spirit of excellence. There will be seasons in our lives when following God won’t be easy. God will tell us to change our attitudes, to be gracious, generous, polite, or to protect rather than taking advantage of —and it’s going to be tough.  But, “…those who are mature…have trained themselves to recognize the difference between right and wrong and then do what is right” (Heb. 5:14 NLT).


So there will be times we’ll feel like hypocrites in our practice of certain qualities because we are stretching to reach that point. Yet regardless of how we feel, we must be obedient and do what we know is right. The key is to keep training until it becomes genuine. Soon we develop a trained, disciplined heart. And as we develop that kind of character, the next point we learn from David is that…





“Take your everyday ordinary life – your sleeping, eating, going-to-work life – and place it before God as an offering…Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out” (Rom. 12:2f, The Message).


When I get up in the morning, I try to get to my knees before I get to my feet so that I can pray. I usually pray something like this: “Heavenly Father, You didn’t have to get me up this morning, or give me another breath but You did. And because You did, I know that my assignment on earth isn’t done yet. Therefore, help me to love You with all my heart, soul, mind and strength. And, Lord, would You help me to please You with the thoughts I think”.


If you please God with your thoughts, your actions will easily follow. On the other hand, if our thoughts are not right, we will never mature even if we do the right things. That’s why God wants to change us from the inside out and to do that we must fix our attention on God. So though we may sometimes feel uncomfortable doing what is right, we need to practice until it becomes comfortable. That way our default system changes, we operate out of a genuine character, and thus comfortable with our faith.


Please be aware that even though we may have changed our ways, bad things can still keep surfacing. That’s because the seed sown from our past actions are reaping bad fruit. This is the point where most people bail out. Nevertheless, we need to stay true during this season and not give up because the third step in developing a “spirit of excellence” is to realize that…





God notices when we develop a spirit of excellence. In any situation, God can predict a favorable outcome because He watches how we deal with problems in our lives. That’s why it’s important that we, “Consider yourselves fortunate when all kinds of trials come you way, for you know that when your faith succeeds in facing such trials, the result is the ability to endure…so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing” (James 1:2-4 TEV).




Whenever Daniel solved a problem, a miracle followed. How do miracles happen in our lives? Well God is looking for people with a spirit of excellence. If people can predict how well you will fare in a problem, it gives them assurance for the future.


For example, my wife doesn’t have to worry whether or not I’ll divorce her. She knows that I’ll stick with her. Why? It’s because she can predict we will continue being friends, continue developing a quality of life, and planning deep into the future based on what she knows of my character.


Like Daniel, we too can develop a spirit of excellence. We can be known for our genuine character because we know the difference between right and wrong and choose to do what is right. People will be assured that regardless of our lack of experience or knowledge, we will be able to handle things because we are comfortable with our faith and therefore demonstrate the measure of our faith. I think this world could use a lot more “Daniels”. You have the potential. Let’s ask God to help us develop that spirit of excellence!



Discussion #2: Who are the “Daniels” in your life? What is it about this person/ these people that set them apart as people with the spirit of excellence?


Discussion #3: In what areas of your life do you sense a lack of the spirit of excellence? How will you go about excelling? (i.e. getting an accountability partner, getting into the word more, etc.)


Discussion #4: What one point most impacted you about today’s lesson? How will you apply what you’ve learned today in your life this week?



Mahalo to our faithful volunteer writer, Liz Texeira, a woman of extraordinary spirit and faith!