New Hope Notes

A Season Of Promotion
Life's Growing Seasons

Pastor Wayne Cordeiro
August 22, 2004 - W0434

Have you ever thought about what it means to be promoted?  How many of us want a promotion?  Just about everyone.  So how do we go about getting a promotion?  And where do our promotions really come from? We all want a promotion but what does it really mean?  More responsibility?  More problems?  More eternal significance?


Usually we think of promotion as meaning more money.  We think it's suppose to come with rewards like prestige, satisfaction, happiness and a wonderful life but the Bible says this…


“Promotion comes neither from the east, nor from the west … God is the judge:  He puts down one, and sets up another” (Ps. 75:6-7).


This passage tells us that true promotion comes "neither from the east, nor from the west" (nor from our bosses for that matter) but rather from God.  And if we want to be promoted, we should go to the one who promotes…God!  We must find out what He requires, fulfill His requirements and appeal to Him.  This understanding puts a new twist on the old adage, "It's who you know that counts!"


Promotion is one of the most appealing words in our language.  It brings to mind images of money, luxury and satisfaction but for that reason, we often misdefine promotion and that can be dangerous.  If we misdefine promotion, we may also end up seeking it out incorrectly.  The desire for promotion may be so great that we pursue it with fervor and in such a way that we end up sacrificing our families, values, morals, faith and even our very souls on the altar of promotion.  It can become a god that leads us to become what we never wanted to be.  So we must be very careful to...



If we let the wrong definition of promotion become our goal, we may find ourselves in deep trouble…“If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?” (Ps. 11:3).


If we define our goals incorrectly, even the most well-intentioned and righteous can go wrong.  As humans, we often misdefine words.  For example, we often mistake lust as love…money as happiness...legalism as holiness or righteousness.  Sometimes we may even mistake “I want this,” as “God told me to get it.”


We must be careful about how we define things and strive to define things as God does. If our definition is off, we may end up somewhere we don't want to be.  In science, if your basic premise is wrong, then all your resulting conclusions will also be wrong.  In golf, if you don't hit the ball square on the point of contact, a little discrepancy here may end up as a huge distance between where you are and your goal when you're out there.  So make sure you define promotion correctly and define it as God defines it.



True promotion is moving closer and closer to God’s call on your life.  When God promotes you, you are another step closer to His best for your life.  It is so important to correctly define promotion because if we don’t, we may not recognize it.  Promotion may not always be accompanied by money or prestige and if we don’t understand that, we may seek out the wrong things.  In fact, if we don’t correctly define promotion, we become more susceptible to the devil.



If we define promotion as simply more money, that gives the devil an easy tool or weapon with which to fool us.  The devil tried to fool Jesus by offering promotion...


“And the devil said to Him, ‘I will give You all this domain and its glory; for it has been handed over to me, and I give it to whomever I wish’” (Luke 4:6).


Even the enemy can promote but if it takes you a step away from God (even for a million dollars), don’t take it!  The Lord rejected the devil’s promotion because it was a not a true promotion, but rather a very real demotion.


God gives promotions but it may not always appear the way we expect.  Sometimes God’s promotions come with LESS money – but it brings us closer to His best. Instead, it may come with more character, more discipline, a deeper sense of faith and devotion or a stronger family and marriage.


Anything that brings us closer to God’s best for our life is a promotion.  In fact, our goal should be to live our lives in such a way that God will greet us in heaven saying, “Well done, my good and faithful servant” (Matt 25:21). 25:21


So during seasons of promotion, the first thing we need to do is to define promotion correctly so we won’t be lead astray from God’s best and then we need to…



If we want to be promoted, we should act in a way worthy of that promotion before we are actually promoted.  For example, if we want a wage increase to $30 per hour then we must work like a $30 per hour employee before the actual raise happens. Just being at your same job for a number of years does not entitle you to a raise.  In fact, we should work toward promotion because otherwise it's like being in the 4th grade for 4 years!


“I implore you… walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called” (Eph. 4:1).


“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as though you were working for the Lord and not for people.  Remember that…Christ is the real Master you serve” (Col. 3:23-24).


The Bible is telling us to work as though we are working for the Lord.  And through our hard work, dedication, loyalty, problem-solving attitude and other characteristics of a good employee, not only will we be worthy of promotion, but we’ll also be a positive representative of God.


Promotion should not be our main goal because if we do not get the promotion we think we deserve, we often become frustrated and revert back to our old ways.  It is like saying we will only act worthy of a promotion if they give the promotion to us and everything that comes along with it.  But remember, it is not because of them that we get promoted; it is because of Jesus…Promotion comes neither from the east, nor from the west…God is the judge.”  And when we walk worthy of promotion, He will bring it to pass.


So, money and promotion should not be our main goals but rather…


YOUR MAIN GOAL IS LIKENESS (to be like Christ).

“And as the Spirit of the Lord works within us, we become more and more like Him and reflect His glory even more” (2 Cor. 3:18 NLT).


Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart.  And when we define things correctly, it may not be what other people are doing but it is right.


In 150 AD Rome, Diogenes was asked why Christianity is spreading. He answered…Christians pass their lives on earth but their citizenship is in Heaven. As Christians, they share their tables but not their beds.  Love all men but are hated by all.  Are treated outrageously but behave respectfully.  Do good but are attacked and when attacked, do good.  Obey our laws but surpass those laws.  Are short of everything but have plenty.  That is why Christianity is spreading.


There is magnetism in people who live like that.  Promotion is not when you are paid more but when you identify with the One who paid it all.  It is not owning more but having a great relationship with the One who owns it all.


Usually we think in terms of work promotions but true promotion is growing in Christ in all areas of your life.  Promotion is being a better husband, wife, student, etc.  Live worthy of your calling.  This is the season of promotion.  God has given us gifts that lie dormant.  We should use them as God intended.  There is something worse than not being promoted…being invited by Christ to step forward but choosing not to.  When you step forward, the Lord will increase your maturity, influence, life and fruitfulness.


Your goal should be likeness and when God does promote you, what should you do? 



“Beware that you do not forget the Lord… otherwise when you have eaten and are satisfied, and have built good houses and lived in them… then your heart becomes proud and you will forget the Lord your God who brought you out… of the house of slavery” (Deut. 8:11-12, 14).


Sometimes God prospers us then gets the short end of the stick.  We become proud and strut.  However, we should not forget, the greatest test of all is not poverty but prosperity.  Most survive poverty but very few survive prosperity.  It requires courage, humility and a willingness to risk it all.  It is easy to tithe a little out of a modest income but it is tough to give a large sum out of a large income.


John D. Rockefeller (once the richest man on earth) said he would not have been able to give his first million to God if he had not given his first $1.50.


“Instruct those who are rich in this present world not to be conceited or to fix their hope on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly supplies us with all things to enjoy” (1 Tim. 6:17).


Sometimes when God gives us much we have the tendency to hang onto as much as possible, giving up little, and that causes our spirit to become twisted.  God designed a system where giving is the natural way to do well.  Be a giver – it will keep you humble.  It is more blessed to give than to receive.  God will always provide for you because you cannot outgive the Lord.


When Rockefeller became gravely ill he started to give his money away because he thought was going to die anyway.  So he gave money to charities…and to churches…and the more he gave away, the better he got!  The more he gave away, the more he received.  Miraculously, Mr. Rockefeller lived until just 2 weeks shy of his 98th birthday.


Our goal is not money but likeness because our goal is not for people to see us but to see Him.


“Promotion comes neither from the east, nor the west…God is the judge” so remember…Define promotion correctly as any step that draws you closer to Him.  Walk worthy of promotion well before ever being promoted.  And when He does promote you, steward your promotion and prosperity well that you will be a likeness of the Lord and through you, people will see Him!



1.   Describe a promotion you received that in God’s eyes would have been a


2.   What are some indications that would suggest a promotion will bring you closer

      to God?

3.   Is pride in being promoted bad?  Please explain.

4.   How can you be a good steward of your promotion and prosperity?

5.   How would you apply the idea of God’s promotion to various parts of your life?


Thank you to Leighton Loo, a new volunteer writer, who is stewarding this season of promotion well by helping share God's word with all through Sermon Notes!