New Hope Notes

Living By Decision Or Default

Pastor Elwin Ahu
March 28, 2004 - W0413

Everyday decisions are made from the moment we rise in the morning till we go to bed. Some decisions are small and easy to decide like what to wear, while others are more difficult and it takes time to make. Then other times we fail to make a choice because of myths weíve come to believe.


Nonetheless, decisions made will be life altering. And there will be times when weíll get hit with crosswinds we never expected. There are also times when we default back to what weíre used to because we are afraid to make a decision. Itís like if a basketball team shows up for a game and decides not to play because the opposing team is tough to beat. They instead forfeit the game or are in default. And we too can do the same.


Thatís why having the right directions are important in decision-making. Otherwise, we may find ourselves on the wrong path. Or we may default to who we were and making decisions from what we knew from the past. So even if our decision is ìnot to decideî, that choice will affect our lives as well as those around us.


Q1) Are there any decisions you need to decide on in this season? If you havenít made a decision yet, what hinders you from doing so?


So how do we make decisions in life? Well, itís by being aware of myths and knowing Godís directions. ìÖI have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. So choose life in order that you may liveÖby loving the Lord your God, by obeying His voice, and by holding fast to Him; for this is your life and the length of your daysÖî (Dt. 30:19-20)


The Lord has laid everything out for us in His Word. God loves us so much that Heís made it easy for us, He tells us to choose life! And to help us do so, we must be aware of these three myths that promote indecisiveness or things that will stand in the way of making a decision.



                                MYTHS THAT PROMOTE INDECISEVENESS




This is false. Godís will is already in front of us. His will is laid out for us in His Word. ìWhen you walk about, they will guide you, when you sleep, they will watch over you; and when you awake, they will talk to you.î (Pr. 6:22) In fact, the Bible is full of Godís will for us. Heís already told us how to speak ñ with words of life not of death. To speak words that build people up, not put them down. Heís also given us His will about relationships ñ love your neighbor as yourself.  


Please catch this; God is less concerned about your vocation or location as He is about your transformation and your personal relationship with Him. In other words, has your life been transformed through the Word of God? If you arenít sure, start by meditating on His Word day and night. When your will becomes His will, whatever you do God will say ìgo for itî! ìBlessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.î(Ps. 1:1-4)


And so God is not elusive; His will is stated in His Word. Maybe the problem is that we donít know His word as we should. Another myth isÖ.




Many times, we wait until weíre 100% certain before we make a move. However, when we analyze, we become paralyzed. And where is faith in this? It doesnít have to be this way. If we take a step of faith, we believe that the path we choose will not deter us from where we need to go. Isnít it true when you sat in your seat today, it was by faith you believed it would hold your weight without examining it? Therefore, donít allow the fear of making a mistake prevent you from moving forward. You donít have to analyze everything. Remember that His will is already laid out.


Itís like driving a car. We donít drive looking at the rear view mirror, but by looking ahead. If we fail to look forward, weíre bound to get into an accident. The same is true for our lives. God wants us to get to know Him and build a relationship with Him by learning His Word. Then when itís time to move ahead, we are able to take that step of faith! Of course itís going to require us to depend on Him. ìThy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my pathî. (Ps. 119:105) His word lights the way; all we have to do is take that first step. ìThe mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.î (Pr. 16:9)


Remember when decisions need to be made; God is not elusive because His will is stated in His Word. Secondly, we must have faith and allow the Lord to direct our steps. The third and final myth is.Ö




This is just not true. The Bible didnít say it will take all our problems away. Challenges however, could well be a testing of our obedience to God. ìNow these are the nations which the Lord left to test Israel. To find out if they would obey the commandments of the Lord which He had commanded their fathers through Moses.î(Jud. 3:1-4) As the children of Israel had gotten into the promise land, the Lord could have removed all of the enemies from that territory and made it nice and sweet. But He didnít. He purposely left the enemies in the land to test them in order to see whether or not they would obey Him especially in the midst of those trials.


Obedience will not be revealed in the safety of our comfort zones. Instead, obedience is best revealed in the midst of the fiery furnace, when weíre facing difficult situations when we must decide on whether or not weíll move forward. Being a Christian is not about our problems being removed. Instead itís about learning and understanding what the Bible provides for us in terms of a map and how we can be led through the paths of life. It will take more than just reading a map, weíll need to decide and actively follow that map. ìConsider it all joyÖwhen you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.î (Jas. 1:2-4)


Q2) Recall the last life impacting decision you made. What factors lead you to your decision? Do you think your decision was a self-less and self-sacrificing decision? 


Okay, now we are aware of the different myths that promote indecisiveness in our lives. On top of that, God also gives us instructions or aÖ



                                         GUIDE TO DECISIVE  LIVING:


Here are three points to guide us in making proper decisions to a decisive lifestyle. The first is,




There is a process that leads us to life. However, because weíre result oriented people, we want to get from point A to point B immediately. We donít want to be involved with the process of getting there. Hence, if weíre not careful, weíll follow whatever or whoever will get us there the fastest.


So our first consideration is to be on the right road following the right person in order to get to our destination. ìJesus said to him, ëI am the way, and the truth, and the lifeÖî (Jn. 14:6) What Jesus is saying is there is a process to life.


ìTrust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.î(Pr. 3:5-6) Too often we want our paths straight alright but, without honoring the process of getting there. So begin to trust in the Lordís ways. We must rid ourselves of our own agendas and what we think the results should be. Then if we choose His ways, the results will draw us closer to Godís design for our life and our relationships with others.


Q3) Are you patient lifeís process or do you tend to be result oriented?  Explain.


Our desires, agendas, and emotions are purely of the flesh. And we all know that flesh decays. On the other hand, the Holy Spirit is living and active. God is alive and eternal. For that reason, our decaying flesh cannot be bound with the living Spirit, they just do not co-exist. Thus, God wants to infuse us with His living Spirit and this can happen only when we let go of our fleshly desires. ìDelight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.î(Ps. 37) Be willing to let go of things freely and willingly. Then allow His desires into your heart. The Lord will wait, but until then, the Lordís living Spirit cannot enter. So our role is to acknowledge and obey His ways. Godís role is to give us life!


Q4) Are there things of the flesh you may be holding on to? (immorality, personal selfish decisions for gain, etc.) What are some of the things you need to let go?


So the first thing we need to remember is that life is a process and to be patient with that process. We must go through the steps in order to reach the life God wants for us. The second point to living decisively is toÖ





There is such an alarming statistic haunting America today. There are about 75% of adults that claim that there is no absolute moral truth. In other words, truth is all relative to the situation or the individual. What is more alarming is that 75% of our teens believe in the same thing. And so itís no surprise to us then when we see how individuals are making choices that are not right for them. Even now, the Supreme Court of the United States is deciding on whether or not to take ìunder Godî out of the pledge of allegiance. 


The problem is not the non-existence of truth. Neither is it peopleís rejection of truth. Instead, it is peopleís unwillingness to allow someone else to define what truth is for them. They want to decide what is moral and what is not. They want to set their own definition of truth. They will agree with truth only so far as truth agrees with them.


Remember there is only one Master who defines truth, Jesus Christ. If we canít trust His baseline to what absolute moral truth is, what will we have to compare it with in order to make sound decisions? How will truth be determined and decisions be made when options present themselves? Yes feelings and popular votes all look good. On the other hand, without Godís truth, thereís nothing to compare the worldís illusions ñ what is real and whatís not!


The choices the world offers seem to say we will receive something. However, what we see is not always what we get. Itís like a magicianís tricks. He entertains with illusion and people are fascinated and amazed. Like a magic act, illusions can happen in relationships as well as financial decisions. How will we know what is counterfeit if we donít know what is true? Thatís why we encourage everyone to be in Godís Word daily. It will set you free from the worldís illusions and counterfeits.


ìSend forth Your light and Your truth, let them guide me; let them bring me to Your holy mountain, to the place where You dwell.î (Ps. 43:3) ìThere is a path before each person that seems right, but it ends in death.î (Pr. 14:12)


Remember donít avoid the process that leads to life. Itís not about finding the shortest route from ìpoint A to point B. Secondly, know the difference between truth and illusion. And the only way to know truth is by knowing Godís word. And finally, the last point thatíll guide us to decisive living isÖ





We must choose to commit to living Godís way rather than defaulting to living the consequence of our actions. Commitment is the anchor that holds firm even when tides in life change. If we fail to make commitments weíll find ourselves drifting in the sea of consequence.


Sure, there will be times when the storms in life will catch us when we least expect it. However, if we havenít made a commitment to follow in the ways of the Lord, then anything will throw us off the path. You know, the devilís best strategy is to not convert us to his side, but to make us second guess the decisions we make in life. Weíll easily be distracted from the important things in life.  


ìTeach us to number our days and recognize how few they are; help us to spend them as we should.î (Ps. 90:12) The Bible says that our days our numbered. We donít get to choose whether weíll get more time, but we can choose what we do with the time that we have. Living a decisive life will require removing things that stand in the way. It will require going through the process that leads to life, knowing the truth, and living by commitment. Live a decisive life by acknowledging His ways and His truth. He is the way the truth and the life!  


Q5) What (if any) commitments do you need to make?  In what way(s) are you going to live your life intentionally?


Final Q) What impacted you most and how will you be different because of what youíve learned today?



Thank you to Doreen Rabaino for this weekís summary ñ a woman of commitment living by decision