New Hope Notes

When You Hit The Crossroads Of Life!

Pastor Mike Lwin
October 26, 2003 - W0343

Perhaps some of you are at a crossroads in your life right now. It could be in the area of finances, a career, or a relationship. The fact is we will all face them. Weíll come to a point along our journey where we will sit at an intersection and wonder what to do and what is Godís will. When that happens, how should we to respond? ìThis is what the Lord says: ëStand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.íî (Jer. 6:16) Faith is the assurance that God has this master plan for our lives. Not only that, we can be confident that Godís promise to walk with us every step of the way is really true.


Q1: What crossroads are you facing or have recently experienced?


When we face a crossroads in life, our job is to figure out what the good way is and walk in it. We must discern the decisions and options that are Godís best, but how do we figure that out? Well God gives us three principles to follow. The first isÖ




Many times we forget that God has a master plan for us. In fact, rather than follow His plan, we often try to figure out a way to walk through crossroads on our own. And a cornerstone scripture we have at New Hope helps remind us to focus on Godís promise instead: ìíFor I know the plans I have for you,í declares the Lord, ëplans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.íî (Jer. 29:11)


Our lives are sometimes much like a rubber band. As you pull the rubber band farther and farther apart, thereís more tension. And the farther you pull, there is a potential for it to snap and break. In the same way, our relationship with Jesus Christ is like that. God has this wonderful plan for our lives. Yet when we hit a crossroad, we start to make our own decisions and choose directions that may be opposite of Godís will. Then tension and frustration build in our lives. And the tension we feel could be because God is pulling us back to His master plan since we wandered a little too far.


Q2: Are you experiencing any tension in your life? What do you feel is causing it and how can you check to be sure you are following Godís plan for your life? 


So when we hit the crossroads, we must remember to trust that Godís plan is higher than our own. Now some of you may wonder how do we know exactly what steps to take in order to follow His master plan? How do we discern Godís will? Well, when we hit the crossroads of life, not only must we remember that God has a master plan, but the second point to remember is toÖ





ìTrust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.î (Prov. 3:5 & 6)


When we canít figure out which way to turn, we must seek guidance from Godly sources. If however, we choose to consult places such as psychic hotlines or horoscopes, we end up heading in the wrong direction and away from God. Thatís because these sources are not channeled from the heart of our Lord.


Thus we must figure out what sources are available to us which will lead us to the steps necessary to directing us closer to Godís plan. So what are some resources we can tap in to? Well the first isÖ


?        GODíS WORD.


ìYour Word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.î (Ps. 119:105)


Godís word sounds a lot like His voice Therefore, when we get into His word each day, we begin to tune in to hearing God speak to us. Then as we read Godís word, it becomes a lamp unto our feet. In other words, it gives us direction as to which way to go. At New Hope we utilize a bible bookmark to help us read through the Bible. And weíd like to encourage you to read along with us. By the end of the year we read through the whole Bible and the New Testament two times.


Another way we can seek guidance from the Lord when at a crossroads is by spending time in Ö




ìDo not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.î (Phil. 4:6 & 7)


Sometimes in the midst of prayer, God confirms in our heart what direction to follow. He will give us this peace about what Heís saying in His word. It may not make any sense, but we feel in the inner parts of our heart that this is the way to go. However, be mindful to pray for God to impart His will over us and not pray for our own desires. Remember that Godís master plan is higher than our ways and has the best in store for us.


Fasting is another great way to discern Godís will. Essentially the discipline of fasting is letting go or forgoing something of necessity or importance for a short season. Oftentimes in scripture, it has to do with food. Thus when we remove food from our stomachs, it develops a hunger in our souls to really seek what God wants for our lives. Fasting is a powerful way to get before God, tone down the busyness of our lives, and simply ask God for direction. ìAnd when you fast, donít make it obvious, as the hypocrites do, who try to look pale and disheveled so people will admire them for their fasting. I assure you, that is the only reward they will ever get.î (Matt. 6:16)


So when we hit the crossroads of life, remember that there is a master plan. And to seek that master plan, we must search for good guidance through Godís word, prayer and fasting. And finally throughÖ


?        WISE COUNSEL.


ìWithout good direction, people lose their way; the more wise counsel you follow, the better your chances.î (Prov. 11:14 MSG)


Hereís a word for the young people. We will sometimes face crossroads in our lives that will seem so overwhelming. Perhaps it will have to do with school, a dating relationship, a job, or who we are supposed to marry. The great thing about Godís master plan is that Heís strategically placed wise counsel right around us ñ our neighbors, our parents, our grandparents, and the pastors in the church. Wise counselors for us to consult to help us figure out what Godís next steps are for us. Oftentimes, we consult our peers and talk to them about major decisions in our lives. Then we think we have the right answers. The problem with that is that our friends will tell us pretty much what we want to hear. Instead, consult the elders and mentors in the church. These are people who have many more years of knowledge and experience that is greater than we can experience. Life is too short to make all the mistakes ourselves. So if you are a young person, consult your elders -- the wisdom that is right around you.


Pastor Wayne and Elwin are two of the greatest wisdom counselors for me because as I try to discern and navigate through the crossroads of my life, Iím able to ask them questions. And I know they have the best for me because they are not competing for anything Iím doing or wanting to take anything from me. Their only concern is helping me to find Godís will.


Q3: Who are your godly counselors and how have they helped you navigate those difficult crossroads?

Q4: Do you recognize the different ways God directs you when youíre facing overwhelming crossroads? Share an experience when God confirmed in your heart what path to take. What was the outcome?


And for all of us, one of the greatest places that we can develop a network of wise counsel is what we call at New Hope small groups, ohana groups, or life groups. As a group, we walk through life together. We celebrate victories and steer through the crossroads supporting one another every step of the way.


In short, we can discover Godís master plan by seeking Godís guidance through His word, prayer and fasting, and through wise counsel. And finally, when you hit the crossroads, you must not only understand Godís plan for your life, you mustÖ




ìNow faith is the assurance of things hoped for; the conviction of things not seen.î (Heb. 11:1) I had an opportunity to go skydiving on the North Shore of Oahu. We flew up until we got to the two-mile altitude when they pop open the airplane door. They told me to step up to the ledge, look out, and stand there until I got comfortable. Then whenever Iím ready, step out and everything will happen automatically. And with that, he shoved me out the door.


Sometimes when we face a crossroad, we need a counselor who not only offers us wisdom, but who also shoves us out the door. It forces us to take that step of faith because itís not enough to just know Godís plan. And even though taking a step of faith may be a bit of a challenge, we can be certain of Godís master plan. It may also mean that we will experience the following three things. The first is thatÖ


?        We will not be fearless.


The Bible says the Lord told the Apostle Paul to take a step of faith by telling the people of Corinth about Jesus Christ. And this is what Paul said to the people: ìI came to you in weakness and fear, and with much trembling.î (1 Cor. 2-3) Now even though Paul was a brilliant man, a wise scholar, and eloquent in speech, he experienced fear. Nevertheless, he stepped out in faith in order to do Godís will despite his fear.


Like Paul, we too will experience fear when we answer Godís call. In fact, our fear will surface in greater ways than we could imagine especially at a crossroads. Thatís why God gives us His guidance in different ways and from many different sources. Keep in mind that what could be and what should be for our lives will never be if we allow fear to rob us of the opportunity to take a step of faith.


Q5:  Is there a time when you stepped out in faith despite your fear? How did God assure you even though you were afraid?


You see the pain of trying and failing is a lot less than the pain of regret. So when we hit the crossroads of life, step out, grab on to your fear, and go. Stepping out in faith may also mean thatÖ


?        We will not have all the facts.


ìThe mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.î ( Prov. 16:9)


Sometimes in my devotion in Godís word, fasting and prayer, and wise counsel, I will sense God saying to take a step of faith. I may not have all the information or know for sure what the outcome will be. Yet in my heart, I sense a peace beyond understanding and just know what God wants me to do.


So we get to step out in faith regardless of our fear. In turn, God orders our steps and we do the best we can on our end. Then God meets us and we then take a step closer towards Godís will for our lives. Finally as we do that, it will oftentimes mean thatÖ


?        We will not often stay where we are.


ìThen come, follow me.î (Matt. 19:21b) There are so many examples in the Bible of God taking ordinary people just like you and I and doing extraordinary things through their lives. And in the same way, God assigns us to take a step of faith in such a way that we cannot stay where we are.


You see every one of us will hit crossroads. During those times, God may tell us to just stay where we are and hold steady for a short season. And perhaps God places more counsel, wisdom, and guidance into our hearts in preparation for where He is leading us. At other times, God may tell us to take a step of faith and start moving and thatís when we start growing.


It was a year ago this month when Pastor Wayne asked me to consider stepping out in faith to start the Leeward Satellite Campus. At the time, I was the pastor for our Xtreme (ìgeneration xî) ministry and I loved what I was doing. Yet through weeks of contemplation, prayer and fasting, and seeking counsel, I sensed in my heart that this was what God wanted me to do. Nevertheless, I was at a crossroads because I loved Xtreme so much. Then I received a word from God saying that Christianity doesnít mean being comfortable, it means being available.


So we got started, were faithful, and prayed for God to lead us as we stepped out in faith over and over. We had no idea what it meant to be a satellite campus. However, God showed up in so many amazing ways and turned a crossroads in my life into a blessing. And He can do that for each and everyone of you as well.


Q6: Share with your small group a crossroad you may be facing and identify whether fear, facts, or comfort keeps you from taking a step of faith.  Remember that God placed these wise counselors around you, so tap into their knowledge and experience to help you discern your next step.


God wants to turn our crossroads into amazing blessings. When we donít know which way to turn, He wants to pour into our lives His wonderful love and passion that only He can give us. So remember it doesnít require much. But when we areÖ




Faith the size of a mustard seed will allow us to capture Godís master plan for our lives. And with that faith, seek guidance through His word, prayer, and fasting. Then finally make that step of faith as God orders your steps and moves you closer and closer towards His plan and will for your life.


Final Q:  What point most impacted you from this lesson? How will you apply it to your life this week?