New Hope Notes

Our Greatest Days Are Still Ahead

Pastor Wayne Cordeiro
September 7, 2003 - W0336

In recalling eight years, letís take a further look back to 1984 on the Big Island of Hawaii where New Hope began. And it began with a servantís heart -- a little scared, a little unsure. Nevertheless, here we are celebrating our 8th Anniversary because God can use anyone even when weíre afraid or unsure.

If we just trust God, He has so much for us. And He will use ordinary people like you and I to accomplish His purposes. Thus whatever we have is for Him to use. All He asks of us is that whatever we give will be completely His so He can fully redeem it. It all begins with serving.

ìAnd He said to them, ëThe kings of the Gentiles lord it over them; and those who have authority over them are called ëBenefactors. But it is not this way with you, but the one who is the greatest among you must become like the youngest, and the leader like the servant.íî (Luke 22:25-26)

When I read this scripture, I thought, ìLord, why should it be the greatest among us to serve.î Then I began to understand. In order to be a true servant, we have to have perseverance because there are a lot of times weíll want to quit. We also need to have mercy because those involved with us or in authority over us will make mistakes. Next, we need self control because there will be times weíll want to tell people off. And really the true test of a servant is how we respond when we are treated like one. Sure we want to serve, just donít treat us like a servant, right! So serving requires great insight and endurance. In fact, we need great love and focus to stay with the calling God has for us. Not only that, we need to be secure. Thatís because if we are insecure, weíll want applaud and notice. Often though no one will notice and no one will pat us on the back for a job well done. Yet we can be okay with that because we are serving for the pure joy of serving an audience of one. And one day we can be assured of hearing, ìÖwell done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your Lord.î (Matt. 25:21)

So if we want to acquire a true servantís heart, we must first trust God. Then we must completely give whatever we have to God. (Remember how He used a few fish and loaves of bread to feed thousands.) Next just begin to serve.

Now you may be wondering where? Well, perhaps the Lord will show you a problem or an issue that needs resolution. And itís not for you to condescend or cast blame. Instead, He wants you to be the one to resolve it. Thatís right! He will ask you to get involved. Itís your choice on what we do next. However, keep in mind that it is through getting involved and serving that you learn to develop humility and character -- a true servantís heart. And thatís the kind of heart God is looking for. In fact, thatís the heart of New Hope -- the heart of New Hope is a heart to serve. So let our prayer be: Lord we ask that you would remind us when we see a need of any kind that we would attune our ears to hear You ask, ìWill you be the one?î Open our eyes to serving and help us to graduate into being a servant.

Yes, God wants us to graduate into serving. Remember that in the Bible Joseph learned all he needed know through serving. Though he was imprisoned and falsely accused, God still used Joseph to do great things. And the same is true for us. You see, it is through serving that we will develop a heart to handle success just like Joseph. Many people canít handle success very well. However, a servant is not enamored by it all. He just sees success as a greater opportunity to serve the people of God really well. And that's where Jesus was. He was in the midst of serving the people.

In fact Jesus asks His disciples this rhetorical question: "For who is greater, the one who reclines at the table or the one who serves? Is it not the one who reclines at the table? But I am among you as the one who serves.î (Luke 22:27)  So if Jesus is among us as one who serves, shouldn't we be there too? Thatís why we constantly encourage everyone to serve. Then the more people serve, the more others will see the heart of Jesus.

Okay, your question may be, what should I do? ìSaying to them, 'Go into the village opposite you, and immediately you will find a donkey tied there and a colt with her; untie them and bring them to Me. If anyone says anything to you, you shall say, ëThe Lord has need of them,í and immediately he will send themíî. (Matt. 21:2-3) Just start where there is a need. If the place needs cleaning, pick up a broom and start sweeping. If people need help,jump in and help them. Itís reason enough to get involved. And if weíre constantly using the servantís entrance, people will see the heart of Christ in this place. Thus, can you see how everything we do in serving is connected to a soul? Remember, people donít need to see us serving. They desperately need to see Jesus. And thatís how we exemplify Him in a church. It is with a heart to serve.

Then the greatest story ever told will not be where New Hope came from. Rather it will be the lives that have been transformed because of a bunch of servants who caught what it meant to have a heart of New Hope. Then as the years go by we will not track the footprints of a churchís history. Rather we will track the footprints of a savior who walked with us as we learned to become more and more like Him.  Our greatest days are still ahead. 


Happy Anniversary, New Hope from the servant hearts of the Sermon Notes Ministry

Doreen Rabaino, Rich Wilbur, Phyllis, Unebasami, Jaylene Tsukayama, Alison McDonough, Cynthia Whitehouse, Liz Texeira, Kathleen Carstensen, Rhonda Pang, and Dawn OíBrien.