New Hope Notes

The Gift Of Following
A Season Of Gifts

Pastor Wayne Cordeiro
December 22, 2002 - W0251

ìNow after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem, saying, ëWhere is He who has been born King of the Jews?  For we saw His star in the east, and have come to worship Him.í  And when Herod the king heard it, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with himî (Mat. 2:1-3)


A historical event was about to take place and God wanted to arrest the attention of the people.  So He used a star to invite the magi to follow His lead.  Why them?  Was it because they were wise?  Maybe, but God knew these men would do something with the star.  You see Iím finding that wisdom is not just a state of being.  When we follow after the One who is all wise, we begin to take on his character and wisdom begins seeping into our souls 


That was the message of the first Christmas and the same is true for us 2002 years later.  In the Bible God revealed stars that led people to the manger until they come face to face with God himself.  God extends invitations for us to follow Him as well.  For the Magi, He used a star.  The Israelites, it was the pillar of fire.  Danielís star was given to him in prayer.  And the angel Gabriel revealed Godís directions to Mary.  Still for others, God used storms as He did with Jonah.  


Godís direction may be revealed to you through a struggle, reading a book, or a strangerís testimony.   The question is, what are you going to do about it?  God is passing out stars all the time because He loves us so much.  Ultimately, if we allow Him to navigate our direction, wisdom will seep into our souls. 


Q1:      In what form has God revealed His guiding star to you?  Explain.


Like the Magi, we too can develop that kind of wisdom.  When God reveals and invites us towards a star in our life, here are three essential steps, which allow wisdom to seep into your soul.  The first step is to:





 ìAnd they came into the house and saw the Child with Mary His mother; and they fell down and worshipped Him; and opening their treasures they presented to Him gifts of gold and frankincense and myrrhî (Mt. 2:11).


Though they didnít understand why God chose a star or even where it was leading, the wise men just followed anyway.  Then when they arrived at the manger, they worshipped Him or gave value to Him.  (The word  ìworshipî comes from an old English word that means, to give worth to or ìworthshipî.)  Now, Iím sure the three wise men had a lot of questions, especially, when they arrived and found a baby boy born to poor parents in a dirty manger.  They probably wondered, ìThis sure is a strange way to save the worldî.


Nevertheless, they worshipped Him because He deserved their attention and affection.  Therefore, we too express His worth in our life by worshipping Him.  Scripture says, ìYou shall have one God and you shall worship Him onlyî.   As Christians we must give worth to God and show Him how valuable He is to us with our heartís affection because He deserves our best.  Remember what you worship or give value and attention to will determine the priorities of everything else in your life.  If you give value or worth to money, people, or even your job it will influence all areas of your life.  So be careful about what or whom you worship. 


Some gifts that God gives us may not be what we understand or would like to receive.  Yet sometimes God leads us to receive eternal wisdom, character, and contentment through a star that may seem unusual as it did to the magi.  Nevertheless, they gave Godís ways value.  So when God invites you to follow Him, we must do the same and give God our greatest worth even when we donít understand it. 


Q2:      Have you ever worshipped something or someone that took control of your life? Explain.


The bible dedicates a whole book to this one manís journey toward gaining wisdom.  Even though he didnít understand why God allowed so many hardships in his life, Job still gave value to Godís ways and trusted in Him.


Q3:      When God offers gifts to you, do you give value and trust them even if they come in the form of hardship?


By the end of the book, God restored everything to Job and more.  We too can follow Jobís example by giving value to Godís ways even when we donít understand it.  Then wisdom can begin to seep into our souls.  Another way in which we can move towards developing this kind of wisdom is to: 



2.                 RESPOND TO HIS LEADING.


ìAnd gathering together all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he began to inquire of them where the Christ was to be bornî (Mt. 2:4). 


God wants us to read the Bible and follow His words because it reveals His direction.  That is why daily devotions are so important.  It is one of the greatest stars to help you navigate your life.  Itís a practical way for you to ask God for daily guidance and journal about what you are learning.  Some people say, ìWayne, I read daily, but I only understand ten percent or how do I know what God is asking me to do?î  I tell them to be faithful to what you do understand and journal on that.  In time, your commitment to reading His word will enlighten you to what God is teaching and thus enable you to respond to His lead.


Q4:      How are you doing with your devotions?  Do you feel the time spent with your devotions needs improvement?  Think of ways to work on that.


ìThen Herod secretly called the magi, and ascertained from them the time the star appeared.  And he sent them to Bethlehem, and said, ëGo and make careful search for the Child: and when you have found Him, report to me, that I too may come and worship Himíî (Mt. 2:7-8).


Now Herod did not respond to Godís leading even after he knew that the magi inquired about the event and the Bible gave credence to that fact.  He was still troubled and not convinced.  Like Herod, we sometimes donít like where God is leading us or what Heís asking of us.  However, we must still respond to His lead.  


I remember a time when I had to counsel a man for his failing marriage.  Each time I gave him advice on improving his marriage, he told me that he already knew what to do.  I went home that day feeling so discouraged because although this man identified and recognized what needed to be done, he never responded to it.  A lot of times we know what God is saying, but we let it trouble us and thus we donít respond to His ways.  So if you want to develop this kind of wisdom respond to his leading.


Q5:      When God speaks to you, do you become troubled and ignore His ways?  Or are you convinced and respond to His ways?  If you become troubled, what are some ways to change that?


Begin the steps towards developing the kind of wisdom the wise men exampled by first focusing your attention and giving value to Godís ways.  Then as God reveals His directions, respond to His leading.   Finally, the last point to gaining wisdom is to let His word transform you.





ìA farmer went out to sow his seedÖ Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil.  It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow.  But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root.  Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants.  Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop ñ a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.  He who has ears, let him hearî (Mat. 13:3-9).


God grabs our attention with different kinds of stars as He leads us to the manger.  Our star could be our conscious being picked at or a friend giving us a warning.  He may touch your heart through a book, a friend, or even a television program.  It could be the Word of God prompting and guiding us to make a change.  When this happens, make the change from dry soil to fertile soil. 


ìAnd having been warned by God in a dream not to return to Herod, they departed for their own country by another wayî (Mt. 2:12).


ìBut when the people of the land come before the LordÖ He who enters by way of the north gate shall go out by way of the south gate.  And he who enters by way of the south gate shall go out by the north gate.  No one shall return by way of the gate by which he enteredÖî (Ezek. 46:9).


When the people came to worship the Lord, they entered through one gate and exited through another.  It was a physical exercise to remind them of a spiritual principle ñ to leave differently from when they came.  In other words, allow Godís word, His leading to affect you not just intellectually, but to affect you in such a way that will transform you.  If you are going through a struggle, let Him give you the strength to move on.  Give God the reigns of your life so you can exit differently from when you arrived.


We are so blessed that God gives us the gift of following.  So allow God to lead you to the manger by recognizing the stars He places in your life.  Give value to his ways even when you donít understand it.  Secondly, respond to His leading and apply that knowledge to your life.  Finally, leave differently from when you arrived.  Allow Him to transform you.


Thatís what Christmas is about.  Like the magi who followed the eastern star to the manger, let us develop the same kind of wisdom to follow the guiding stars He places in our lives.


Q6:      Has Godís ways affected you so much that you made it out the other door?  Share your story with your group.


Mahalo to volunteer writer Christy Itamoto - following her star!