New Hope Notes

Now We Begin!

Pastor Wayne Cordeiro
September 29, 2002 - W0239

Happy 7th Anniversary New Hope! As I was reflecting about when we started New Hope Oëahu, I can see that our past will become the springboard for our future. So many wonderful experiences went into building what our church is today, and they will become foundation blocks upon which weíre going to begin building.

When people first came to New Hope seven years ago, we were filled with excitement and zeal. We may have been low on experience but we were high on willing-heartedness. For example, little did he know it but Dan Shima, who was a real estate salesman, now oversees church planting around the globe. George Iranon who was overseeing the state prison, is now a member of our council. I look at Carol Ann Shima, who was a 3rd grade teacher, she now oversees the pastoral offices. Ex-inmate Roy Yamamoto could hardly read but he began to get tutored to read the Bible shortly after coming here. In just a few short years, he is now our Prison Ministry Chaplain. I look at someone like Dominick Kaëaihue who was a drug abuser from Papakolea and is now the Menís Ministry Pastor. He recently took his team up to New York to share the spirit of aloha at the 9-11 Commemoration. These and so many others represent what God has been laying as the foundation of a wonderful church called New Hope.

And all the people shouted with a great shout when they praised the Lord because the foundation of the house of the Lord was laid. (Ezra 3:11b)

It took seven years to build the Temple of Israel, Solomonís Temple. Here, at New Hope itís taken seven years to lay the foundation. God has dug deep within our lives, our marriages, our families, our minds and our attitudes. And now God is saying, ìNow we begin! Now weíre going to begin the ministry.î

As we stand on the brink of our eighth year, there are four foundation blocks to discover and recognize. Itís so critical that we not forget these, but rather, celebrate them and build upon them. The first foundation block is:



That is what is meant by the Scriptures which say that no mere man has ever seen, heard, or even imagined what wonderful things God has ready for those who love the Lord. (1 Cor. 2:9 TLB)

Thereís tremendous potential within each of us, but itís trapped on the inside. It only requires someone to step into our lives and say, ìI believe in you, you can do it, Godís got a plan for your life.î God doesnít just love you, He also loves the person you can become. God is not only committed to you, Heís also committed to seeing your potential and the dreams Heís placed inside you come to reality.

I believe thereís a dream in every person of what they can be for God. But the dream lies hidden under the rubble of past mistakes and fear of future failure. Weíre here to help them identify and then release that God-given dream within their hearts. Thatís one of our greatest missions!

Q1: Since coming to know the Lord, who have been your personal encouragers in Christ? Whom is the Lord bringing to your attention to be an encourager to?

In the next few months, letís become a church filled with dream releasers. This takes us back to the beginning when all we had were lots of willing hearts and potential yet to be developed. We started our orientation at Aliamanu School. We sent out invitations for people to come and check out our new church. Sixty people showed up and I passed out cards asking if they would like to be part of this church; about 30 said yes.

The next week I met those 30 people in restaurants and shared Christ with them and lead many to the Lord, one by one. I then asked them if they wanted to help in the next orientation through parking cars, registering newcomers or simply handing out food. In three weeks we trained them and had our second orientation where another 60 people came. I asked those 60 if they would like to help, and about 25 said yes, so I invited them for the next orientation.

Catch this, I went to the first 30 and told them we got more people to help, so now they were promoted to be overseers! All of a sudden, we started doing church as a team. That was foundational in our church: believing in the potential of people. It also represented the second foundation stoneÖ


The badgers are not mighty folk, yet they make their houses in the rocks. (Pr. 30:26)

Weíve always been a resourceful church, willing to do whatever it takes. In the very beginning we had no vans, just our own cars. I remember loading a whole bunch of chairs into my back and front passenger seats. I drove with one hand and held the chairs with the other, to prevent a landslide of chairs. Whatever it takes!

This past Easter, we went to the University of Hawaii and asked to use the sports arena. Since it was eight months prior, they said, ìNo problem.î However, about 3 months before the service, they called us and said they forgot there was a game the night before and they couldnít let us into the arena until 2 a.m. the next morning (which was Easter Sunday). We knew we couldnít set up all the equipment and electrical wires in time.

Again the church had to become resourceful, so Tim and Jack and some of the other technicians put their heads together and responded with the idea of setting up the equipment days ahead and raising it up high in the dome so no one could see it during the game. What the spectators didnít know was that a whole church was set up right above them, which then took only 3-4 hours to lower and set-up on 2 a.m. Sunday morning.

U.H. was amazed because it had taken 5 days for the Miss America Pageant to set-up for their event and we were expecting many more people. We actually set a record for setting-up faster than any other event in the history of U.H.; isnít that amazing! A resourceful church is one of the building blocks that the Lord used and will continue to use to this day.

Q2: What spiritual gifts/resources has the Lord given you and how have you used these for the Kingdom? If you donít know your spiritual gifts, you can access a Spiritual Gifts Test and have it automatically scored through our website: www.eNewhope.

Weíll be as resourceful as necessary and whatever God gives us weíll make the best of it. Weíre at about 9,000 attendees and though weíre still a ìhomeless church,î itís okay if thatís the way God wants it. So far, weíve implemented download sites and adding more at different parts of the island, and this is really a contingency plan to be following the pillar of fire. If God one day gives us a big building, thatís fine, but if He doesnít, weíre okay, because of our resourcefulness. Our goal isnít to find a building, but to follow the pillar of fire.

And I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God, the Almighty, and the Lamb, are its temple. And the city has no need of the sun or of the moon to shine upon it, for the glory of God has illumined it, and its lamp is the Lamb. (Rev. 21:22-23)

God said that in the last days we wonít see a building because the Lord will be the temple. He will be sufficient and there wonít be a need for a building. And Godís people will be lights that shine. Why? Because weíre the ones that radiate Godís glory where ever we are. Even if we meet at a park, the glory of God is there and will radiate through our singing and our love for one another. That love will invite the nations who will come streaming into the park. You can have the eighth wonder of the world in an architectural setting, but it wonít be long before it becomes just a tourist attraction or a monument because Godís glory isnít there. He is our Temple and we are its ìliving stones.î

The next foundation block is not only believing in peopleís potential and being resourceful, but also being constantly committed to the Scriptures.


From the very beginning of this church, God has given us a compelling call to stay true to the Scriptures in every event, every activity, every ministry and every outreach. Everything we do must and will be based on the solidity of the Word of God. Itís the only way. Why?

All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work. (2 Tm. 3:16-17)

Being legalistic or beating people over the head with Scripture wonít work, because itís not the anger of God that brings people to the Cross, but the kindness of God that leads to repentance. Although we have the law in our hearts, we cannot become exclusive or condemning. Rather, we live the law in a way that is gracious, open and inviting. This is how New Hope gives grace and hope to people because we always present the Good News as good; and indeed it is good!

He who has My commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves Me; and he who loves Me shall be loved by My Father, and I will love him, and will disclose Myself to him. (Jn. 14:21)

If we just know Godís Word and not live it, then our love for God is not a real love. My prayer is for God to reveal His best to this church in the years to come. Thatís why we hammer all the time about daily devotions and pass out Bible-reading bookmarks and make journals available.

Q3: How are you doing in the area of daily devotions? Share one way your devotions have made a difference in your life, attitude, character or heart.

This completes the first three foundational blocks that have built New Hope: believing in peopleís potential, resourcefulness and being committed to the Scriptures. Yet thereís one more thatís equally important and vital to who we are:


Finally, weíre a church that is committed to the Harvest. Everything we do is connected to a soul. It has to be! For what good is it if we build big, but nobody comes to know Christ? There are people out there yet to find their way home:

Do you not say, ìThere are yet four months, and then comes the harvest?î Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes, and look on the fields, that they are white for harvest. (Jn. 4:35)

Repent therefore and return, that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord; and that He may send Jesus, the Christ appointed for you. (Acts 3:19,20)

Jesus said this 2,000 years ago and the Harvest hasnít gotten any less ripe. In fact, itís even more ready! There are families, cousins and friends that need to know the Lord and donít know the way home.

One of the reasons why we do the messages the way that we do, preaching with parables or word pictures is basically to take the cookies from the top shelf and put them on the bottom shelf. That makes it easier for people to understand. We like to laugh and use a lot of humor. One of the reasons is because when people laugh, their mouths pop open and I can then give them some truth to chew on. This way the Gospel comes to them in Good News, not bad news. And so, the weekend services are here to partner with you in your attempt to reach your family and friends for Christ. So tow them in because they need to find their way home!

Q5: Is there someone that the Lord is prompting you to invite? What are some simple ways you can begin to usher him/her to the Lord?

Q6: Have you or your small group committed to the Harvest? How?

This seventh anniversary, letís ask God to build us deep and strong in the next, new season. Happy 7th Anniversary New Hope... Now we begin!

Mahalo to steady volunteer, Doreen Rabaino! Join our team and create a world wide web of Godís Word: Contact Dawn @