New Hope Notes

Discovering Your Success Potential
Balancing Life Between Victory & Defeat

Pastor Wayne Cordeiro
March 31, 2002 - W0213

ìWe have this treasure in earthen vessels that the surpassing greatness of the power may be of God and not from ourselvesî (2 Cor. 4:7).


We are those earthen vessels and we have a treasure that God has placed within each one of us. Thatís an undeniable truth. The question, however, is this:


What are you going to do with that treasure?


Your treasure could be a dream, goal, or brilliant idea you have for your life that could impact your family or your community, even the world! But too often we are afraid to even start for fear of failure. Or we may feel we arenít good enough or that God canít use ìsomeone like me.î Your dreams may be hidden under the rubble of past mistakes, bad choices, or fears. Yet the truth remains: the treasures are still there! And the question is: What are you going to do with it?


One of the richest mines in the world is right in our own neighborhoodóthe cemetery. Why? Because so many people have gone to their graves without ever realizing their dreams and great potential. They died with their treasures still safe, encased in their now still hearts. How many dreams have gone unrealized, books unwritten, songs unsung, and paintings unpainted? How many great teachers or leaders never stepped up to the challenge?


I want to challenge you to make that decision to unleash your treasure simply because life is so short. So short is life that the book of Psalms says it is ìlike a breath.î Job says, ìOur life is but a sigh,î and James called it, ìÖbut a vapor.î One person said, ìEnjoy life. Thereís plenty of time to be dead.î Letís live our lives to the fullest because weíre about to become food for the worms!


God is our creator and our designer and if He didnít have a purpose for us then we wouldnít be here. In fact, hereís a simple test to find out whether your mission on Earth is finished: if youíre alive, it isnít. Know that you are His masterpiece, a masterpiece in the making still. You have so much potential for greatness; a potential that is yet to be tapped.


ìFor we are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in themî (Ephesians 2:10).


When God created you, He began with the end in mind. He understood that He had a great destiny prepared for you, and so He planted that destiny in your heart. Itís like those engineers who design new model cars. The entire concept of the car is conceived, drafted and completed in the design room. Before its creation has even begun, the design for this great new model has already been completed. Likewise, God finished your life, stamped His image on your heart, placed you in a womb and then started your life.


ìBefore I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born, I consecrated you. I appointed you as a prophet to the nationsî (Jeremiah 1:5).


ìFor I know the plans that I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a futureî (Jeremiah 29:11).


ìHe has also set eternity in the hearts of men, yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to endî (Ecc. 3:11).


Question 1: What is the treasure God placed in your heart? What are your greatest dreams or goals?


Question 2: What are you going to do with that treasure?


God wants to see His promise come to pass in your life and is even willing to help you accomplish that. He wants you to walk with you in your journey to a great destiny, and only asks that you cooperate with Him to make it happen. Some people say, ìI donít feel that special,î or ìI feel as though my life is backed against a wall.î Your feelings about your worthiness (or unworthiness) donít matter! They donít in any way devalue His plan for you because the treasure is still there. He promises to change you from glory to glory into His image ñ the image of His design because you are extremely special to Him.


What is Easter all about?

When you think you are at a dead end, and your circumstances begin to dictate your value, the Lord says Heíll turn the tables. Why because His gift, His future and His hope for you remain true to His original design. So donít give up!


We often value ourselves by our packaging: ìLook at my family!î or ìLook at my circumstances! Things arenít going too well right now.î And based on our poor packaging, we feel like weíre not valuable. We may not be able to see the treasure, but He does. Heís not concerned with our packaging for He sees your heart, your potential, and your future.


Look at the people in the Bible. They saw Moses as a murderer, but God saw the same man as the writer of the first five books of the Bible. People saw a prostitute in Rahab; but God saw the great, great grandmother of King David. Another example was Peter who showed himself to be a coward, but God saw within him the greatest spokesman of the early church.


In a lowly manger, God hid the King. In a darkened tomb, God hid resurrection and victory. At a dead end, God hid a chance for you and for me.


Question 3: What is obstructing you from discovering the treasure God placed within you. Is it family problems, circumstancesówhat is it in your life that is holding you back? (Be specific, cover this in prayer and release it.)


What is Easter all about?

You may be thinking, ìIf that potential is really in me, Iím going to need some help.î Thatís exactly what Easter is about: Jesus conquered sin, death and hell because we werenít able to make it on our own.


ìWe are all like sheep who have gone astray, each one turning to his own wayî (Is. 53:6).


ìThe sinful mind is hostile to God. It does not submit to Godís law nor can it do soî (Rom. 8:7).


If we choose not to follow His path, the Bible calls that sin or separation from Godís way. When that happens, you will never have that image or treasure processed. You will take your treasure to the grave. The only way to process the gift Heís placed inside you is to do it Godís way. Easter is about Jesus paying that sin debt and allowing you to move forward with Godís plan.


Question 4: Have you ever experienced a time when you felt separated from God? How has that experience changed you?


What is Easter all about?

Easter is about living in Godís embrace for outside of it, you donít have the power to overcome anything. It was on Easter when Jesus Christ overcame the power of sin and death and invited us to renew a relationship that was separated by sin. When Jesus came, He didnít come to bring a new religion, He came to repair a broken relationship and He invites us all to that. His design for our best future can only be revealed as we walk with Him.


ìGod has given us eternal life and this life is in His Son. He who has His Son has life, he who does not have the Son of God does not have lifeî (1 John 5:11-12).


When you have a relationship with Jesus it results in success. If you come to the One who is King and place your life in His hands, youíll begin to understand and realize your true value. Of course! Heís the One who designed you.


What is Easter all about?

Not only did Jesus die for our sins, He is alive forever to help us walk into eternal life and when we stumble He is there as our counselor, guide and friend. The Father loves us so much that when Jesus was in the tomb, the Father said, ìArise ñ because I love these children and they need You to walk with them.î


Iím reminded of the time my friend took me on a flying lesson and told me to land the plane on my first flight. His instructions were simple, ìFollow my lead and donít fight against me.î


The Lord says the same thing as He did 2000 years ago, ìCome, follow my lead. Weíll walk together for I am the Author and I will be the Finisher of your faith.î However, that can only come about if you give Him your heart and walk with Him. We were forgiven at the cross and now the Father calls from heaven, ìArise and You will walk them into the newness of life.î Easter is all about the Fatherís love for you. Jesus is inviting you into that eternal relationship.


Question 5: What does Easter mean to you in this season of your life?


Summarized by Rhonda Pang