New Hope Notes

God's Opportune Moments
Summer Celebration

Pastor Mark Edwards
August 19, 2001 - W0133

Iím going to tell you about an experience I had a little while ago called rap jumping.  Itís an Australian sport, where you put a harness on, get attached to a rope, and climb to the top of a cliff or building.  You are then thrown off and expected to run down the building face first.  Now, is that an Aussie thing or what?

A little while ago, I rap jumped, face first, off of a twenty-two story building.  Now I am real scared of heights, but through some miracle, I was coddled by the instructors to put on a harness and attach a rope.  Then, he had me calmly sit on the edge of the roof of this building and dangle my legs over.  In an instant, this guy picked me up and threw me off the roof.

I yelled.

Arms and legs went everywhere, and bodily functions were either working or not working, Iím not sure which.  Now, youíre supposed to walk or run down the building, but honestly, I didnít find the building for twenty-two stories.  Just picture the instructor lowering down a kicking mass of limbs.  When I got to the bottom, I pretended that it was so cool, but my legs wouldnít work right at that stage.

As I finally collected myself and the adrenaline started to build, I thought, what does every good Aussie male want to do when heís done something like this?  He wants to tell the world.

My wife and three of my children didnít believe me for an instant.  When my 16 year old son came home that night, his response was a bored, "Dad, I could have done that."

Three words came out of my mouth that I thought were brilliant at the time.  "BUT YOU DIDNíT!"

Iíve thought about those 3 words a lot since then.  Do you know what they actually imply?  That you have missed an opportunity that was put in front of you.  I donít know about you, but I donít want to go through life hearing those 3 words, do you?

When I look at some of the greats of history and the Bible, I find that what distinguishes the ordinary from greatness is that the greats actually step into the opportunities.  You and I were created to do that.

Godís opportune moments are created when people:

Recognize the Moment and Recognize What the Moment Represents

I think every one of us sees opportunities: opportunities to talk to a friend, a business opportunity, or a career opportunity, whatever it may be.  But most often, we donít see the necessity to walk through it because we donít see what would happen if we did walk through it.  Paul recognized an opportunity and what it represented:

"But I will stay at Ephesus until Pentecost, because a good opportunity for a great and growing work has been given to me now." (1 Cor. 16:9)

What Paul is saying is that not only do I see a good opportunity, but if I do something about it, thereís going to be a great and growing work.

Question 1: What opportunities are you aware of in your life?  What might they represent?

Why is it that stepping into opportunities is so important?

The Kingdom of God is extended through opportunities.

God uses you and I.  He sets up an opportunity for us, and all of heaven waits with bated breath for us to walk into it.  Why?  Because when we do, the kingdom is extended through our obedience.

You might say, "But I donít get those opportunities.  Everyone else gets all the luck!"  But friends, let me tell you, God has no favorites when it comes to opportunities.  It doesnít matter who you are or where youíre from; He creates them just for you.  From the very foundation of the world,  Heís been setting up the right moment and place just for you to be there to walk into that opening.  And when you do, the Kingdom of Heaven is extended here on Earth.

So what do these opportunities look like?  First, let me tell you what theyíre not like.  Theyíre not like a nice, wrapped up birthday present that you receive, take the bow off, and whoops, hereís your opportunity!  This is the bad news.  Theyíre not like that.

An opportunity looks like a challenge.  Sometimes it looks hard, dangerous, risky, and impossible.  Thatís a God-opportune moment!  They look like a situation when God gives you a set of plans for a boat, when youíve never heard of a boat, and He says build an ark.  Theyíre like you standing before this vast expanse of sea, knowing God wants you to cross and you say, "Whereís the bridge?"  Itís when youíre standing in a boat, and Jesus says come.  And youíve done physics and know if you walk on water, itíll be a miracle.  But you get out of the boat anyway!

Iíll tell you what else it involves.  It involves you making that phone call, doing that act of kindness at the right time, having the courage to step through that business opportunity, applying for that promotion at work, finally speaking to your friend about Jesus or inviting them to church.  And when you do, even though that step involves faith, risk, sacrifice, heartache, and sometimes ridicule, itíll impart to you the incredible sense of satisfaction, reward and fulfillment of stepping into the opportunity that God has created for you.  Then, all of Heaven erupts in spontaneous rejoicing because you had the courage to step forward with faith.  These opportunities surround you everyday.  So will you step into them?

Letís examine how opportunity begins:

Opportune moments start with a whisper.

They never start with a shout, but with a prompting.  A quiet little voice will say, "make the phone call, apply for the job, get out of the boat, pick up the sling shot."  Even though these opportunities look incredibly hard, incredibly difficult, and sometimes very inconvenient, a peace comes in your heart - a peace that is beyond all understanding.  Youíll be able to think, "nowís my time, God has arranged circumstances for me to be here."  Read with me the following verse:

"Let the peace of God rule as umpire continually in your hearts - deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds." (Colossians 3:15 Amp Version)

How do you judge an opportune moment?

When the peace of God flows through your heart

In other words, youíre about to step out and peace comes even though youíre attempting a challenge because the alternative is the three words, "But you didnít."  None of us want that, but weíve all had to face the disappointment of missed experiences, havenít we?

Question 2: Share an experience where you stepped through an opportunity in faith and found success.  How has that affected your life?

Iíll never forget, about 3 years ago we launched a building program for our church.  Since Bill Hybels, senior pastor at Willow Creek Community Church, was in Australia, we asked if he would come by our church and launch our building program.  To my great surprise, he said yes.  But panic set in, and I got so busy wanting to look important that I ignored the whisper.  I ended up sitting by Bill Hybels and next to him was our Deputy Mayor, who had hardly been to church.  Our Deputy Mayor talked all night about his heart.  But was I listening?  No, I was too busy being arrogant, too busy being busy.  But Bill was listening.  Not only to the Deputy Mayor, but to the Holy Spirit as well...just a whisper saying, "I have created this situation with this man sitting next to you at this time, at this right moment for you to talk to him.  The other guyís not going to but you will."

Bill Hybels told the Deputy Mayor, "Iíll be leaving for Chicago and probably wonít see you again, but Iíve been listening to your heart and you have a good heart."  Then he asked, "But how is your soul?  Just doing good things throughout your life is not enough.  Do you realize that?  I know that Iím taking a risk here, but the opportunity seems to be here for me to share what Jesus means to me."

In the next few moments, he shared the most simple yet powerful Gospel story to this man that I had not listened to.  Ashamed I thought, "Oh, my arrogance and self importance had caused my ear to be closed to the opportunity that God had created just for that moment."  It was a "but you didnít" event.  Friends, Iím glad God is a God of second chances, third chances, and fourth chances.  Because you and I are living, breathing proof of second chances.

Question 3: How have you experienced God as a God of second chances?

Why is it important for us to act on these moments?

From that night, I decided that I donít ever want to miss an opportunity.  When that opportunity comes, I want to step into it.  Why is it so important to step into the opportune moment?  Letís find out the reason:

"To everything there is a season.  A time for every purpose under heaven..." (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

When God has a purpose for someone or something, Heís got a time.  Heís arranged history around that moment just for you.  The word "time" actually has a two-fold meaning.  Time is like a door that only opens for a limited season.  If you walk through that door, it involves a risk of faith, but our urgency is to walk through the moment.

"But when the right time came, God sent his son." (Galatians 4:4)

"As you go into the city," he told them, "you will see a certain man.  Tell him, ëThe Teacher says, My time has come, and I will eat the Passover meal with my disciples at your house.í" (Matthew 26:18)

When a door opens, you and I need to have the courage to walk through because the door will close.

Principles of Godís Opportunities

1. Delay is not Godís denial.

Whatís the greatest enemy of an opportunity?  Instant gratification.  When I walk into an opportunity, I usually want the fruit now.  But Iíve discovered that God has no sense of time, only timing.  He blinks and years have gone past.  While we think lunch is a long time away, He sees generations as a short period of time.  When we walk into an opportunity and we want that fruit right now, Godís saying, "Why are you worrying?  Iím halfway through a blink."

If we donít realize that Heís not saying no (that itís only part of a plan that Heís weaving together and we just formed the first part of the plan by stepping through it), then we will start to back out of the opportunity.  And He doesnít want us to do that in any way.  Be careful and realize when you walk into an opportunity, it could take some time.

"For the earth yields crops by itself, first the blade, then the head, after that the full grain in the head." (Mark 4:28)

Many of us donít make good farmers when it comes to opportunities because when the crop doesnít ripen soon enough, we rip out the crop!  So what happens when delay comes and you think youíve missed it?

a. Your personal relationship with God will be tested. (Big time!)

Just like the incident with the golden calf in the Old Testament.  The Israelites were in Egyptian captivity for 400 years, and how much time were they delayed when they were at the bottom of Mount Sinai?  40 days.  A short 40 days!  What did they say?  "Itís been 40 days, Godís left us.  Letís party and build a golden calf!"  Now God was not terribly impressed.  Following this incident, thereís a wonderful conversation between God and Moses because Moses was prepared to have it out with God.

I remember the old Ten Commandments movies and God says, "Let my people go."  But look at the way God has it out with Moses:

"And the LORD said to Moses, ëGo get down!  For YOUR people whom YOU brought out of the land of Egypt have corrupted themselves." (Exodus 32:7)

You know what Iíd be saying if I was Moses, "I didnít even want this job, you dragged me kicking and screaming into it."

"Then Moses said, ëLORD, why does Your wrath burn hot against YOUR people whom YOU have brought out of the land of Egypt with (YOUR) great power and with (YOUR) mighty hand?" (Exodus 32:11)

Youíve got to be prepared to be honest with God when youíre feeling that delays are tainting your soul.  When delays are starting to cause disappointment to reign and youíre stepping back, youíve got to be as God says to Isaiah:

"Let us review the situation together, and you can present your case if you have one." (Isaiah 43:26)

God is not afraid of your honesty, so be honest.  And what else happens when delay occurs?

    1. God looks at and tests our heart.

"I, the LORD, look into a personís heart and test the mind.  So I can decide what each one deserves; I can give each one the right payment for what he does." (Jeremiah 17:10)

Donít you wish God only looked at you during the good times?  I do, because I donít operate too good in the bad times.  But God looks at your heart during the delays because Heís examining your capacity for future opportunities.  Heís wants to know if He can trust you to steward an opportunity well, trust you to not get upset all the time when it doesnít work your way, trust you and know that youíre going to keep striding forward even if thereís a delay in your eyes.  If God can trust you with the little opportunities, He can give you bigger and more influential ones.

Itís like watching a quarterback throwing the ball right to the wide receiver, but the wide receiver avoids the ball each time even though he sees the ball, and recognizes that if he gets the ball heíll score a touchdown.  I wonder if Godís like the quarterback that keeps throwing you the ball and giving you opportunities, but you keep letting the ball go over your head.  I wonder if Heíll then pick up the ball and throw it to someone who will catch it because thereís too much riding on the importance of that opportunity.

I donít want to be the wide receiver that keeps missing the ball on purpose because I think the opportunities God gives us are too important for us to keep missing them.

Question 4: What things might be keeping you from "catching the ball" God is throwing to you? (certain fears, pride, hurt, unforgiveness, insecuritiesÖ)

  1. People will watch how you handle Godís opportune moments.

    People are going to watch you when you "get out of the boat."  I wish they would only watch when Iím in the boat, all nice and calm.  But theyíre going to watch you when you act in faith because they want to know if your Christianity really works, whether your words and actions match up.  Theyíre saying, "If it works, I want what youíve got because I see you walking into an opportunity.  And could God be with youÖis that what it means to become a Christian?"

    Sometimes actions are much louder than words.

    "Then the LORD said to Joshua, ëToday I will begin to make you great in the opinion of all the Israelites so the people will know I am with you just as I was with Moses.í" (Joshua 3:7)

    How do people know God is with you?  When youíre walking into opportunities that no one else would take on because it involves a little thing called faith.

  2. It is necessary to remind God of His promises.

Itís not that God has a bad memory or needs reminding.  But when you step into an opportunity and things arenít the way you think it should be, then youíve got to come before God and say, "God, I remind you of your promises!"  Faith starts to build as you proclaim the promises of God.  Moses faced this situation when God was saying the best way is to just rain fire on this group, get rid of them, and start afresh.  But Moses said:

"Remember Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, Your servants, to whom You swore by Your own self, and said to them, ëI will multiply your descendants as the stars of heaven; and all this land that I have spoken of I give to your descendants, and they shall inherit it forever.í" (Exodus 32:13)

Moses is reminding himself of Godís promises so faith will build up in his life again!

Last October, 4 years into the planning for our building project and two weeks away from construction starting, I got a phone call from the project manager saying the builder of our project was going to declare bankruptcy.  After I hung up, walked out the door and onto a hill, I had an honest conversation with God.  I thought, "Where did we go wrong?  Whatís going on!"

And one word was whispered into my ear, "Abraham," and I looked at the stars and wondered if Abraham ever got discouraged.  25 years without a child.  I wondered if sometimes he walked out of his tent at night and looked at the stars and said, "God, you made me a promise!  You promised I would have more descendents than the stars.  Come on, God!"

And I started to remind myself of the promises Heíd given us, started to reflect on the miracles that had worked in our churchís life to just get a block of land.  And what happened?  Faith started to build again!  And I walked on the land and thought, "God, the church stepped into an opportunity.  You are faithful!  There might be delays and problems, but, Father, I know you will not abandon us!  Come on, we can do this together!"  And faith rose in my heart more and more and more.  In 3 months we will take possession of our building.

If I could look into your eyes, I would say, "What are the opportunities God is placing before you this very hour, day, week, month?  All of Heaven is waiting.  These opportunities have been arranged for you to be in the right place, at the right time, with the right words or the right actions.  Will you step into the door and see the Kingdom extended because you had been faithful?

If you do, you wonít have those 3 words spoken in your life, "But you didnít."  Iíll tell you the words that are going to be added over your life.  They are so sweet and the most beautiful words that could ever be spoken: "Well done, my good and faithful servant.  You stepped into the opportunity and the Kingdom of Heaven has been extended because of you."

Question 5: How will I be changed because of what I learned today?