New Hope Notes

Ulcers: Winning Over Worry
God's Home Remedies

Pastor Wayne Cordeiro
June 3, 2001 - W0122

We live in a society that loves to worry.  In fact, one third of all mentally ill patients have problems rooted in worry, and a search engine query on anxiety revealed more than 1 million web pages on the subject! 

Worry is a paralyzing force based upon unfounded fears.  This is distinctly different from ëlegitimate concernsí which prompts a person into action.  One man has said, where worry begins, faith stops, and where faith begins, worry stops.  What this means is faith and worry cannot co-exist at the same time; you have to choose between one or the other.  Jesus said:

ìSo I tell you, donít worry about everyday life ñ whether you have enough food to eat or clothes to wear.  For life consists of far more than food and clothingÖCan all your worries add a single moment to your life?  Of course not!  And if worry canít do little things like that, whatís the use of worrying over bigger things?î  (Luke 12:22-26) 

DQ 1: What are some of the things that you worry about?  How does this worry affect your behavior?

  • Worry is a signal that a change needs to take place.

God does not promise us an absence of problems that will equal no worries.  What God is saying is that there will be problems ñ each day will have problems of itís own, but the heart with which we approach these problems cannot be a worrisome heart.  A worrisome heart nullifies faith, and miracles stop because the foundation for miracles is faith. 

We tend to come to God last.  We try everything we can and when none of our ways work, we come to God broken, when everything is ready to collapse.  God becomes a spare tire, only to be called upon when we have a blowout going down the wrong road.  However, as soon as the situation clears up, we put God back into the trunk ñ forgotten ñ and continue down the wrong path.

DQ 2:  When you have a problem, when do you tend to seek God?  At the beginning, or as a last resort?

If worry is a signal that a change needs to take place, how do you find out what needs to be changed?

1.         Take your worries to God and leave them there.

During prayer, take away instruction of what you must change.  If you worry, nothing changes as you hope that things will go away.  When you go to the cross, you take away instruction to apply so that your life changes.

ìDonít fret or worry.  Instead of worrying, prayî  (Phil. 4:6)

Every miracle began with a problem.  God is saying, ìbring your problems and Iím about to do a miracle ñ if however, you will not worry.  Bring your problem and leave it at the altar.î



Itís like holding your breath and breathing at the same time, you canít do it.  You have to choose to either worry or pray.

DQ 3:  Pastor Wayne has said that, ìWorry is a choiceî.  How does that modify our response when worries threaten to overwhelm us?

When we take our worry to God, convert it into prayer, and say, ìLord, this is what Iím concerned aboutî, we can then ask Him what caused our problems.  Now, God is able tell us the specific character issues (i.e. procrastination, unforgiveness) which caused this problem.  When we take action to address these issues, we deepen our character and humility.

Worry is a learned, knee-jerk reaction that needs to be unlearned.  What method can serve as an anchor when we are making a choice to fight worry amidst the storm?

2.         Receive a promise from God.

ìNot one of the good promises which the Lord had made to the house of Israel failed; all came to passî  (Joshua 21:45)

There are over 7000 promises from the Bible that we can use to guard against depression and despondency.  When we are unsure, we can turn to what God is saying about our marriage, our work, and our various situations.  Have you been violating a scriptural principle?  Make it right.  Are you going to follow God or your worry?  Do you want control it, or do you want God to embrace it?  If you choose God, then follow his ways.  The most important thing is not what people or situations say about you, but what God says about you.  Follow his instruction and everything will turn out miraculously well.

  • Worry comes from no options

The second greatest killer of those 25 years and younger is suicide.  Suicide becomes the answer because we feel like there are no options left.  Keep options open ñ we have lots of options in life.  Our Lord is a miracle-working God and He can provide for every option that exists! 

ìAnd we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purposeî  (Rom. 8:28)

We have to be willing to seek Godís purposes.  One of the reasons we worry is because we donít want to follow them.  We just want God to bless what weíre doing even though itís wrong.  And God will not do that.  When we move according to His purposes, we overcome worry. 

DQ 4:  What are some of best methods to maintain an open communication channel with God so that we can learn His purposes in our lives?

  • Worry is overcome when we focus on what God is. 

If you want Godís blessings, we need to do it Godís way.  If you want Bible blessings, we need to do it the Bible way.  Prayer gives us Godís perspective and the tools to change, and when we change, we are made better from this bad situation. 

ìBut seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.î  (Mt. 6:33)

When is he going to give us all His promises and miracles?  When we seek first His kingdom and the rightness of His kingdom.  When we follow Godís way and refuse to compromise, there is a confidence that comes into our lives because we know that God is working on our behalf.  Thatís a promise He gives us, so our goal is to do everything right according to Godís ways.

So how can we achieve this perspective consistently?

3.         Pray with thanksgiving

When we pray with thanksgiving we keep ourselves from grumbling in our prayers and trying to manipulate God.  We often try to manipulate Him by praying for everyone and everything in our lives to change, except ourselves. 

When we remember to be thankful, our problems shrink and we gain a renewed perspective about our lives. 

ìBe anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.î  (Phil. 4:6-7)

DQ 5:  How will you be different from what you have learned today?