
Seeking His Wisdom First

Carl Higashi


James 3:17-18
17 But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. 18 Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.



James writes that the wisdom of God will have these qualities:

James writes that the wisdom of God will have these qualities:
1. Pure - Purity is the most important characteristic of God's wisdom. The purity of His wisdom will be unadulterated, sinless, no impure thoughts, words, or actions will ever reflect His wisdom. This also means there will be no self imposed agenda.
2. Peace-loving - The wisdom of God would always look to find peace in all situations. God is a lover of peace, His wisdom requires that we seek peace at all cost!
3. Considerate - never wanting to hurt others.
4. Submissive - wisdom from God will be reflected in a life subjected and obedient to the authority of God's word.
5. Full of mercy - compassionate in-spite any personal bias that may not be from God.
6. Impartial - He is just, treating everyone fair, with no preconceived judgment or ideas. God is unbiased despite of any rumor or circumstantial evidence for He knows all.
7. Sincere - God is genuine, He never waivers, so stick with your convictions being free from any lies.


This is a tall order, but not for God! He who's Spirit is within me allows me the power, strength, will, and authority to have this type of wisdom. I am called to live in this wisdom daily.


Lord I confess that I am a fallen sinner and I repent and ask for your forgiveness of my sins. I will always need to seek Your heavenly wisdom to best navigate all the difficult situations of this lifetime. Will You please give me the discipline to always seek your wisdom prior to any response or action that I might take. That these seven characteristics of your wisdom always be reflected in the decisions that I make. May this then result in a harvest of righteousness where lives are saved and transformed for your glory and the expansion of your kingdom. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen!

Devotions for December 16

1 Peter 1,2,3,4,5

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