Moral Illness
Richard WaialealeJohn 5:14 Later Jesus found him at the temple and said to him, “See, you are well again. Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you.”
What was it that Jesus was telling the lame man to stop sinning? Was it his bad attitude? Could it be his constant grumbling? What could be worst then having a bad attitude and always grumbling?
Whatever the moral illness that Jesus was talking about, Jesus was saying that his physical lameness is not even as bad as his moral lameness (for which Jesus was more concerned about).
I realize that this story is how God healing is a divine act and is not subject to human rules. But what hits home for me is my own attitude and moral lameness, especially when it comes to grumbling or gossiping.
In this story, I feel Jesus is talking about me and whenever I grumble or my attitude. When Jesus saved my life, He also says to me that I am well now, so stop my moral lameness and I can be whole and be free from my bad attitude and grumbling. Simply keep my eyes on Him, and not the circumstance around me. Make Him first in my life,not the circumstances. The problem should not rule my life, Jesus should be first. Don’t get involved in useless chatter, but be the solution. Become all that Jesus meant for me to be by shining His light of healing and hope.
Father thank you for Your Word that heals and reveal. Thank you for redirecting me into the image of Jesus. Amen.