He Is Greater
Justin SmithJeremiah 50:4-5
“In those coming days,” says the Lord, “the people of Israel will return hometogether with the people of Judah. They will come weepingand seeking the Lord their God…They will bind themselves to the Lordwith an eternal covenant that will never be forgotten.
I love the fad of “He is greater than I” apparel that has swept the local Christian community. Let’s face it, we can’t go a day without seeing a hat, a shirt, or a bumper sticker that reminds us of this Truth, but my hope is that this trend doesn’t rob us by causing us to grow calloused to His True Greatness. Yes, He is greater than I, AND He is greater than the world and its circumstance, than all rulers and authorities on Earth and in heaven, than anything that comes against us and…well, He’s greater than EVERYTHING. This came to mind this morning as I read the prophecy of Babylon’s destruction in Jeremiah 50. Babylon was a mighty nation with a ferocious army that was taking the Ancient Near East world by storm. They were extending and advancing their kingdom, and it appeared that nothing could stop this growing snowball of force. There was no stronger army, no better resourced and equipped people, there was no formidable opponent…that is, until He that IS greater, the Mighty God of Israel, executed His plan. At the command of God, the nation of Babylon would be destroyed. Talk about doing the impossible. And it didn’t stop there. There would be destruction at the command of God, and there would be deliverance in that same command for those who put their trust in Him. They would be redeemed, yet again, and they would choose to commit themselves to an eternal covenant that would never be forgotten.
The fear of the Lord, as the Proverbs say, is the beginning of all wisdom. Understanding the awesomeness of our God, the vastness, the power, the sovereignty is something that should dictate and motivate today and every moment of our lives. Truly, “if God is for us, then who could ever stop us…if God is with us then what could stand against…” In His immeasurable power, what He can do in us and through us is unimaginable. SO what’s my part?
Therefore, live a life worthy of the calling. (Eph.1) Deliverance comes in Jesus, so the question stands, “Am I IN Jesus”? Not just, “Am I saved”, but am I actively placing my life in His hands, acting in His Word, walking in His love, and living in His presence. Am I choosing to pursue purity, to share His love, to obey Him in the easy stuff and the not so easy stuff? Today is a day where I choose to acknowledge His greatness, to walk in His power, and to live in His deliverance.
Heavenly Father, may I never grow calloused to the Truth that you are Greater. You are Greater than every created thing, you are Greater than what I face, you are Greater than my worries, you are Greater than my fears. You are Greater than everything, and in You there is an assurance of victory, and because of You, there is hope in all situations. In good and bad circumstances, I will choose to acknowledge Your greatness and allow it to dictate my actions. May I please You, the Great God, today.
In Jesus' name, Amen.