
Could It Be Me

Calvin Kochi


17 Yet they still continued to sin against Him,To rebel against the Most High in the desert.18 And in their heart they put God to the test By asking food according to their desire. Psalm 78:17-18


It seemed that no matter what the Lord did for the children of Israel they were never satisfied and continued to rebel against Him. Because of their stubbornness the kept testing the Lord with their demands.


It is so easy to be that look at others and talk about how rebellious other or the problems that are having, and yet could it possibly be that I could acting the same way. They were constantly making demands and selfish in their actions. It is easy to say how could they, and to judge them. But what about me? What caught me was in their heart they put the Lord to the test, could it be that in my heart I to put the Lord to the test by the demands and grumbling that I do in my heart. It is a continual process of checking my thoughts and my heart to make sure it doesn’t end up in rebellion. That is why doing my daily devotions and being accountable.


Thank you Lord for reminding to keep on looking and examining myself instead of worrying about other. Help me to gather my thoughts, and guarding my heart so that I don’t end up being rebellious.

Today's Devotions

1 Kings 4,5
2 Chronicles 2
Psalms 101
2 Thessalonians 3

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