

Justin Smith


Hosea 13:5-6

"I took care of you in the wilderness,in that dry and thirsty land. But when you had eaten and were satisfied,you became proud and forgot me."


Last week as I was doing some cleaning, I stumbled upon some old pictures; memories of my tiny children smiling with glee from ear to ear, frozen in time forever to be remembered. It made me realize how easy it is to forget, letting the busyness and troubles of this world choke out the blessings and treasures of this life. How quickly I forsake…forsake gratitude and contentment. Hosea 13 spoke sobering words to my soul today. God cared for His people protecting and providing for their every need as they wandered through the wilderness. He graciously provided for them and He lovingly delivered them from their oppressors. He bestowed upon them every heavenly blessing, and as soon as they had eaten and were satisfied, they became proud and forgot Him. Their desperation had waned, their desire for help had been met, and they no longer felt they needed Him. I wonder, I wonder if one of Satan’s weapons is forgetfulness, causing us to forget God, forget our lack, and forget our need for Him because when we forget we forfeit the treasures of yesterday and our hope for tomorrow. Forgetting our desperation causes us to forsake our Deliverer, thus remembering is vital to our victory.


I wonder if there’s a way that I can take spiritual snapshots, images that freeze in my heart and mind the memories, the good times and bad, when God has shown Himself faithful. I wonder if taking time to look through the scrapbook of my journey with Jesus will protect me from forgetting and becoming proud. May I not forget my first love. May I not fail in my desperation for Him. Devotions, a log of praise reports, a list of answered prayers, a roll of images on my iPhone that freeze His faithfulness…things such as these are critical because the fact is I’m human. My heart will wane, my attention will wander, my love will wilt, thus I must be intentional about remembering. Remember who I am and what I’m hear for, remember the joy of my salvation, remember just how good He is, remember how much of an honor it is to serve, to be called, to be loved. Remember the grace of God, for in so doing I will guard myself from forsaking Him.


Heavenly Father, thank you for this reminder to remember. You have blessed my family abundantly, You have met our every need, and You have remained faithful. I will choose to intentionally remember that I might guard my heart from straying from dependence on You.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

Devotions for July 08

Hosea 13,14
Psalms 100,101,102
Hebrews 5

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