Sin less through sinless Jesus
Rod Shimabukurofor all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood, to be received by faith. This was to show God's righteousness, because in his divine forbearance he had passed over former sins. Romans 3:23-25
I believe Paul is not only pointing out the massive weight and penalty of our sin and sinfulness, but MORE SO... our answer for rightness with God, through Jesus. To show God’s righteousness partly requires a showing our our unrighteousness.
Isn’t it pride, self righteousness and the like - the issues that keep us from knowing, believing in Jesus. My former doubt of the presence and existence of God was rooted in my self sufficiency.
In my early Christian years, I was using Scripture Memory cards to hide the Word in my heart. Leaders told me it would help me sin less. No - - not be sinless. Ps 119:11. It’s been true for me - that as I’ve memorized His Word, accessing it in thought and meditation in times of trouble, temptations... I’ve been less prone to give in to sin. When my thoughts and heart melds with His Word, I’m filled with spiritual truth to lead me to become more like Jesus.
That said - I memorized Romans 3:23 years ago...but only recently began memorizing the context of truth found in verses 24-25. I will sin less, only through and because of sinless Jesus!
Dear Spirit of God.
Help me to continue to hunger and thirst for Your Word. TO hide Your Word in my heart - to make my motivation to know You...not a motivation to sin less. Of course You know I want to sin less - but thank you sinless God - for being Lord of my life!