
More to be Less

Tim Savage


30He must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less. John 3


The world hammers us with the lesson that we should be reaching for the golden ring of wealth and power. But John reminds us that our goal is not self aggrandizement, but selfless service. No matter what I do, no matter what accomplishments may come my way, I must continually and constantly humble myself, giving God the glory and making Him famous. If money, fame or power come my way, it will test my resolve and beliefs because all of that should be used to help and serve others, it must be a resource to lead others to Christ.


The more I give control to Jesus, the more is returned to me. God answers prayer, I’ve seen it time after time and as I give it all back to Christ, He blesses more and more. Interesting concept – I get more and more, but become less and less. I can do all things through Christ, but want to do nothing without Him. If I’m tested by wealth or influence, I must prove worthy by giving it back to Him. I want to be known for my service to God and to others, not for my accomplishments or material things.


Dear Heavenly Father,

I want to live out this lesson, not just write a nice sounding journal. When the tests come, may I glorify You in my humility and service.

In Jesus name,


Devotions for August 01

Isaiah 65,66
Psalms 62
John 3

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