Seize the opportunity to share Christ
Ken SilvaLuke 13: 23-25
Someone asked him, "Lord are only a few people going to be saved?" He said to them, "Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to." Once the owner of the house gets up and and closes the door, you will stand outside knocking and pleading, "Sir, open the door for us". But he will answer. "I don't know you or where you come from".
Jesus doesn't answer the question directly. He doesn't say a few or possibly many will be saved. He uses a parable that expresses a sense of urgency. "If you desire to be saved, don't hesitate, don't take it for granted but rather do what you must to be saved. The ways of the world are enticing. Following Jesus can and will be difficult, (in the time of Luke to the present) it can be unpopular, there may be ridicule and even alienation, but the reward is worth it. If we wait to seek salvation we may miss the opportunity. If we don't witness to our family and friends they may miss the opportunity. The door may be shut and the opportunity lost.
My application is that I have "head" knowledge, I know anecdotally what my charge is, but yet I don't boldly witness to those that need to know Jesus. I need to recognize the opportunity, trust in the Lord to provide the words, and let the Holy Spirit work through me to reach the unsaved. Rather than "over think" what I need to say, I can just share what the Lord has done for me, what his done for my family. I am eternally grateful for my new life in Christ and I need to extend that gift to others.
Dear Lord thank you for loving me. Help me to share that love with others. Help me to seize the opportunities to reach those that need to know you. Dear Lord I love you and thank you for all things, Amen.