Careful of Distractions
John Tilton2 Timothy 2:3-4
Join with me in suffering,like a good soldierof Christ Jesus.4No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his commanding officer.
Paul makes a great point of our servanthood to Christ, that like a soldier who knows his mission and orders; a soldier does not get caught up in unrelated affairs.Instead, a soldier knows his calling, assignment and orders; and focuses dutifully with the goal of pleasing his superior(s).
This is a great reminder for me to stay focused on my call, my assignment, and my responsibilities.I have a tendency to want to please anyone who asks me for help, and I believe that helping other is a good thing.However, I believe that I cannot allow myself to get caught up and consumed in other affairs that will distract me, or take me away from what I know I should be doing.The word that comes to mind is “priority.”
A wonderful woman came to me today and asked me for help with a matter, that clearly was not under my covering or responsibility.However, she is a faithful volunteer who serves with all of her heart, and this matter she says was important to her and her fellow volunteers.Fortunately, it was something that could be handled quite expeditiously by others.Thus, I believe that prioritizing and not getting distracted has to be intentional, but also a discernment to be relational , gracious, and still get my job done.A solider must do his duty, but can also be gracious and servant hooded.
Dear Lord, thank you for the privilege to serve you in ministry.May you guide me to have discernment and gracious in all matters, especially when these are busy times, and prioritizing what we do to finish the race well is the key to success.