
I Might be in Charge, but God is in Control

Richard Waialeale


Proverbs 21:1 (NIV)

1 The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord; he directs it like a watercourse wherever he pleases.


There’s a difference between being in charge and being in control. I may have charge of a group, but the best I can do is remain under control. God is forever in control. It is rightly said, “We don’t know what the future holds, but we do know the One who holds the future.”


I must remember that God is ultimately in control of the future of my life, and as much as I want to and try to control the daily activities in my life, the best I can do is simply be in charge. I accept that God has the control and I’m constantly making course corrections to understand His control. God knows better then I do, and He sees further ahead then I do, and when I surrender to His Will, in the end, I cannot do it better on my own.


Lord I pray that this is a difficult thing to grasp, but I know that You have the controls. Thank you for being my Lord and Savior, and for guiding me into the everlasting way. Amen.

Devotions for June 01

Proverbs 19,20,21
Romans 13

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