Hold Your Tongue
John TiltonProverbs 29:20
Do you see someone who speaks in haste? There is more hope for a fool than for them.
This scripture prompts many sayings about holding the tongue and not speaking to soon, less one wants to rush into folly and lacking wisdom. It’s really is simple that by withholding comment and listening first, one can get a better understanding of the situation at hand, then speak with intelligence. Yet, it is often so compelling to speak forth what we think we know or what others should hear. Yet, it is so true that wisdom requires observation and listening first, then speaking forth with information one has garnered.
I often find myself so compelled to give answers, make comment or pass judgment in words. It’s probably my pride of wanting to be the one with the answer. I know that I need to be quick to listen, slow to speak which will often avail me to be less to anger or speaking out of turn.
Dear Lord, guide me to be patient and observant that I may in turn speak with wisdom garnered from listening and processing first.