New Desires, living towards a New City.
Rod ShimabukuroAnd the LORD said to Aaron, “You shall have no inheritance in their land, neither shall you have any portion among them. I am your portion and your inheritance among the people of Israel. Numbers 18:20
God set Aaron apart as High Priest, to be a mediator for the children of God. Grumbling and all other sins were to be held in account. There would be judgement apart from the mercy of the priesthood. Aaron was to live A life of sacrifice - likened unto Jesus. Father God is Aaron’s and Jesus’ inheritance, provision, sustenance and Portion!
As a pastor, priest before the Lord, I am reminded that God is my Portion and provision. My inheritance is not of this world. My flesh wants, seeks, desires... more of this worlds luxuries. Yuckie, Junkie worldly desires make for half hearted, divided heart. All I’m saying is that there is a real struggle in my heart. But I desire to continue giving my heart and life and wants and inner struggles to Jesus. God is my Portion, as I’m reminded that my reward is knowing, living for Him - for the eternal, not the temporal.
Seeing the license plate frame - ”New City“ reminded me of living towards the New City - the New Earth, not made with hands!
WOWZAH God!! What an internal battle - but You are guiding and still in love with me...loving me till my end in this life. I was just meditating this morning on (as you know) my deep desire to live in the city not made with hands. Change me in this life, from the inside to live it out - to glorify You!