Ken SilvaEzekiel 15:1-3
The word of the Lord came to me: "Son of man, how is the wood of a vine different from that of a branch from any of the trees in the forest? Is wood ever taken from it to make anything useful? Do they make pegs from it to hang things on?"
The prophet Ezekiel speaks to us about fruitfulness and usefulness. He uses the example of a vine, as a "wood" it is useless. A vine is soft, not very large, crooked and weak. Its' usefulness is not in it's use as wood, not even to make a small item like a household peg to hang things. The vine's usefulness is in its' ability to produce fruit. If the vine doesn't produce fruit it is useless and is thrown into the fire. Man is capable of yielding precious fruit. But fruit is only produced when he is following the Lord. Neglecting God and his ways, denying the Truth of the Father will render us useless.
How often have we heard the quiet voice of the Lord prompting us to do something? How often have we felt the tug on our hearts to step out of our comfort zones and help where there is a need? I admit that at times I like staying in my "safe zone", my place of comfort where I don't need to "stretch". We are in a renewed season of reinvigorating our small groups. We as leaders have been challenged to start a new small group. It has been on my heart to start a small group for business people in Kaneohe. After service the other day I saw a friend and felt the Lord telling me, "this is who you should start your small group with". We will be meeting at Starbucks on Tuesday mornings. The Lord wants the very best for us, if we follow his promptings and are obedient to his call we can be fruitful.
Dear Lord I thank you for living in my life. Help me to hear your quiet voice and be sensative to your promptings. I want to be fruitful, I want to be a blessing for your kingdom. I thank you for the small group I have on Thursdays and the small group i'm starting on Tuesdays. Bless the time that our groups meet so that we can draw nearer to you. I love you Lord. Amen