
Fix my eyes on Jesus

Ken Silva


Matthew 14:28-30

"Lord if it's you," Peter replied, "tell me to come to you on the water". "Come" he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord, save me!"


Peter, probably being bolder than the other disciples, calls out to Jesus. He has faith, but he wants confirmation that the apparition he sees is truly Jesus. When Jesus responds to him, "come", Peter instantly recognizes the Father's voice. It is through the close relationship and fellowship that this familiarity developed. Keeping his eyes fixed on Jesus he does the impossible and walks on water. When he is distracted by the elements, the wind and waves, he loses his connection with Jesus and the miracle begins to fade and he starts sinking.


These passages are so relevant throughout time and circumstances. We can only recognize the Father's voice by being in relationship with Him. The importance of daily devotions, prayer and fellowship, builds that strong relationship with the Lord. How can we recognize his voice? As Pastor Wayne says, "he sounds just like the Bible". It is through the Word, other people speaking into our lives and circumstances that the Lord speaks to us. A great reminder to me is to keep my focus on the Lord. In the busyness of life we are often distracted, frustrated, beat down and just plain tired. It's easy to skip devotions, small groups or coming to Church. We need to redouble our efforts to press closer to Jesus. He will give us rest, he will create order from chaos and provide everything that He knows we need (not necessarily what we think we need).


Father, thank you for loving me even though I sometimes stray. Your Word is a reminder to press closer to you. You have always been there for me through the valleys and at the peak of the mountain tops. I continue to find rest and peace in your unconditional love for me. Amen.

Today's Devotions

2 Samuel 1
Psalm 140
Matthew 13

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