
Good Friday

Tim Savage


19The righteous person faces many troubles,

but the Lord comes to the rescue each time.

20For the Lord protects the bones of the righteous;

not one of them is broken! Psalm 34


All of these verses speak to me this morning and come at just the right time to hear them. Good Friday and Easter are our most important events as followers of Christ, His sacrifice and power over death bring us salvation and eternal life. As someone who works at a church and specifically in the production of the worship services, this season naturally comes with a certain amount of stress and pressure, so while I want to take in the moment and experience the sadness, sorrow and ultimate joy of Good Friday and Easter, I am also really looking forward to next week when the work is done! With so many things on the to-do list I am claiming His promise that although we face many troubles and challenges, He will come to our rescue because of our faith.

Also, this is time when I have the opportunity to shine the light of Jesus to others and I absolutely love this scripture and the mental picture of a city on a hill. So in the busyness of this season I will remember that I represent Christ in all that I do and all that I say and my light will either point people to the cross or away from the cross. My prayer is that they are absolutely drawn to Him, in some small way, because of my actions.

And finally, I was given the opportunity to help someone recently and I almost blew it. I felt like there were others who were better suited to help and others who it would have been easier and more convenient to take care of it. It didn’t make sense to me, I wasn’t the right choice for the job, but something inside whispered that none of that mattered. Thankfully, I bit my tongue, kept my mouth shut and just simply helped. There was no music from heaven that was physically heard, no warming light that I could see, no, just the feeling of peace that comes from doing what God tells me.


Today I choose to rest on His promise to rescue me from troubles; to be a city on a hill and to give to those who ask.


Dear Heavenly Father,

Today is Good Friday. Thank You for sacrificing Yourself for me. You could easily have used Your omnipotence to lay waste to Your enemies, but You chose to graciously die for my sins and I am so unworthy. Thank You for the hope and power of Your resurrection. I will rejoice in Easter and pray that many, many people will come to know You on this blessed weekend.

In Jesus name,


Today's Devotions

1 Samuel 20,21
Psalm 34
Matthew 5

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