
Swayed by Jesus

Rod Shimabukuro

And they sent their disciples to him, along with the Herodians, saying, “Teacher, we know that you are true and teach the way of God truthfully, and you do not care about anyone's opinion, for you are not swayed by appearances. Matthew 22:16
Be careful - the Pharisees have disciples too. With hypocritical malice in their hearts, these disciples asked Jesus trying to corner Him, if they should participate in paying taxes to Caesar. The Pharisees were putting Jesus to a test, attempting to trap Him in hypocrisy.

So many Christians are like these ”religious disciples“ who seemingly know the way of truth, or act like they know - but represent hypocrisy and self righteousness. Self righteousness leads me to living out my agenda. My inner agenda unbridled is very dangerous. It leads to backbiting, gossip, being a man pleaser, performer rather than servant of Jesus.
Unlike Jesus, too often I care about other’s opinion and am swayed by appearances, circumstances or the ”majority vote.“ These characteristic is dangerous especially when I ”know what’s true, even teaching the way of truth.“

To be and live like Jesus is to live with bold honesty and transparency before YOU LORD JESUS. I don’t want to confess my sins to you as if you are just Savior - saving me from my sins. I confess to YOU as my LORD… LORD JESUS who forgives, cleanses, heals, and continues to convict me of the deepest unrighteousness - to lead me into the gracious freedom I have in Christ!
Thank YOU LORD JESUS - for freeing me from the inner me that wrestles with the sins of my flesh. Thank you for helping me to daily, moment by moment, overcome the wickedness in me - to live and think as a Freed man of God. I love You soooo much! I thank you for giving me deeper desires to be a God centered - God Pleaser, not swayed by anyone, anything, any circumstance! Thank you LORD JESUS!

Today's Devotions

2 Samuel 10
1 Chronicles 20
Psalm 20
Matthew 22

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